“I rise to remind the House that one time, at parliamentary band camp, Larissa Waters and I short-sheeted Tony Abbott’s bed. Indeed, on my way to the chamber here today, Madame Speaker, I poked my tongue out at Eric Abetz and reminded they/them that being a descendant of Nazis was not cool. My point is that I’m not as wholesome as I look. Let us pray.”
– Adam Bandt, Hansard, April 1, 2011
Adam Bandt is the Member for Melbourne and the Leader of the Australian Greens in federal parliament.
If you Google ‘Adam Bandt’ and ‘scandal’, prepare to be disappointed – the ‘worst things’ he’s apparently done since entering parliament a decade and a half ago is support Palestine protestors (oh, the humanity!) and spend $1 million in a single year on parliamentary expenses… as the leader of a major political party.
So yeah… honest, nice guy, excellent teeth, but also a hipster dufus who opposes nuclear power.
Adam’s pronouns are ‘us’ and ‘everyone’, and he lists his hobbies as “thinking of the children, squeezing puppies until they make noises, and receiving a This Is Not A Greeting Card! from New Matilda readers”.
• For more balanced (but slightly less entertaining) political reporting from New Matilda, please visit us here.
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