Tagged: tax

What Labor’s Negative Gearing Plan Is Missing
The positive move has been undermined by an omission, writes Ian McAuley. The only odd…More

Could The Tax Debate Bring Teflon Turnbull Unstuck?
After months of phony war the government has gone back to square one. It’s starting…More

Two Major Parties, Four Views On Tax, And One Big Revenue Problem
Both Labor and the Coalition appear divided on tax reform, revealing two separate but related problems with…More

Despite Morrison’s Rhetoric, The Economy Is Still Shackled By Abbott’s Failed Agenda
There’s a clear disparity between the Treasurer’s optimism and the financial position of families around…More

If Labor Wants To Tax “Bad Things” They Should Start With Pollution
Labor’s approach to tobacco excise is sound public health policy. But if the party is…More
Is This The Beginning Of The ALP's Renewal?
Labor’s shadow Treasurer, Chris Bowen, gave a speech at the National Press Club yesterday. All…More
The Big Tax And Spend Lies
Monday night’s 730 Report on ABC television ran a spirited argument between Finance Minister Penny…More
Good Riddance To Bad Tax Rorts
The reaction to the Government’s promise to close a tax loophole – a loophole which…More
Why The Left Should Back A GST Rise
Kevin Rudd is back, and, as Bernard Keane wrote in Crikey this week, he has…More