Vice News: 21 Things That Donald Trump Thinks Go ‘Bing’


Some people are obviously much easier to make fun of than others. Donald Trump is some people. And then some.

Vice News produced what was easily one of the most watchable videos of 2017 when they compiled a list of ’21 Things That Trump Says Make A ‘Bing’ Sound’. Which is rather unsettling if you think about it, because watching anything about Trump is generally not, well, very watchable.

Of course, one thing (well actually 7,100 things) that go boom rather than bing is the US nuclear weapons arsenal, to which Trump – who described dropping humans out of planes as ‘going bing’ – has unfettered access. Which is obviously terrifying, but in the interests of us all starting out 2018 in good moods, please enjoy Vice New’s very excellent Trump listicle.

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