Even By Israel’s Standards, This Piece Of Propaganda Is Staggering


Political propaganda is meant to be subtle, lest people easily poke holes in it. But Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs this week decided to dispense with convention, releasing a video which even by its own standards is beyond the pale.

The intro reads: “Welcome to the Home of the Jewish People. No matter who came knocking at the door, the Jews stayed put in their home-sweet-home, the Land of Israel, for 3,000 years,” and features a young, attractive couple, Jacob and Rachel, and their child, sitting in their neat home enjoying domestic bliss.

It’s interrupted by a knock at the door – bearded men speaking an ‘assyrian language’ (note the lower case A) have decided to claim the house as their own.

Jacob and Rachel quietly move into the bedroom, but when a succession of other ‘visitors’ arrive – queue the insulting depictions of more ‘assyrians’, Greeks, Romans, Turks et al – they’re eventually forced into a tent in the backyard, buffoonish men of different nations fight and kill each other… when they’re not lying around being lazy.

Eventually, the British arrive, and hand back the deed to the home, after all the other invaders have killed each other.

A relieved Jacob and Rachel are enjoying their newfound peace, only to endure another knock at the door… followed by a Palestinian man and woman claiming the house as their own.

The video ends there – presumably because even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn’t think they could get away with sugarcoating the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians, not to mention ‘the apartheid’ that is the modern State of Israel.

Breathtaking historical inaccuracy aside, the bigoted depictions of various ‘visitors to Israel’ sets a new standard in overt government xenophobia.

In any event, here’s the video… comments below… and note… keep them civil, and Holocaust deniers, prepare to be banned for life.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
