Subscribe Then Pick An Aboriginal Business Or Charity To Receive Free New Matilda Advertising


One of the really unique things about New Matilda is that we don’t spend too much time worrying about advertising revenue. While we greatly appreciate the limited support we do get, we tend to spend our time focused on the ‘word thingies’ in between the ads. There’s a simple reason for that – we’re tiny, and that’s all our resources permit.

Which gave us an idea to help pay for more of the word thingies….

New Matilda needs need serious help to pay our burgeoning legal bills (which we’re still way short of covering), and to ensure our amazing staff have enough money to eat (bread and water notwithstanding). So we figured, why not encourage our readers to subscribe or extend their existing subscriptions by letting them give away our advertising space for us!

So, until June 30, anyone who subscribes (or extends their existing subscription) at the Keen Level ($180 or above) gets to choose their favourite Aboriginal-owned business or not-for-profit for some lovely free New Matilda advertising space. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

The bonus to you is that apart from helping your favourite organisation/s, we’ll also throw in the usual free goodies for subscribing or extending your existing subscription (see below).

The group you support can be whatever you’re passionate about – the folks who fight for refugees, a women’s refuge, a major charity, a union, an environmental organisation, or even your local club. The only requirement is that it be a not-for-profit, or a majority Aboriginal-owned business.

Here’s what your subscription to New Matilda will be giving them:

• Readers or organisations who subscribe before the end of the financial year at the Keen Level ($180 per year) can nominate an Aboriginal-owned business or not-for-profit for a free ad (called a leaderboard) in New Matilda’s tri-weekly digest. That’s an advertising boost to your favourite group worth $450.

• Readers or organisations who subscribe before the end of the financial year at our $330 level can nominate an Aboriginal-owned business or not-for-profit of their choice for a free ad (a medium rectangle, like the Governomics ad above right) to run on the New Matilda website for a week, plus two leaderboard ads in our tri-weekly digest. That’s an advertising boost to your favourite group worth $1,200.

• And for readers or organisations who take out the mother of them all – our ‘Big Love’ subscription ($1,000) – you can nominate three Aboriginal-owned businesses or not-for-profits and we’ll give each of them a free ad (a medium rectangle) on New Matilda for a week, plus two leaderboard ads each in our tri-weekly digest. That’s an advertising value of $3,600 (and will probably make them, and us, cry).

All you have to do is subscribe before June 30. Then email us the name of the group you want to support and we’ll do the rest… we’ll contact them on your behalf, give them the good news (and tell them who made it happen), make up their digital artwork which they can keep to use however they like, and then we’ll run the ad.

Of course, we reserve the right to refuse a nomination – it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that avid reader Andrew Bolt might subscribe just so he can nominate the Liberal Party. But if your nominated group doesn’t fit our advertising guidelines (or doesn’t want a free ad) then we’ll work with you to find someone you like who does.

And as always, there’s a few freebies in it for you as well.

If you’re an existing subscriber and extend your sub at the $70 or $90 level, we’ll throw in one (1) free DVD – The Most Dangerous Man In America (a romping tale about fearless journalism!).

And if you subscribe at the $180 per year level or above, you’ll get three (3) free DVDs – Utopia, Pandora’s Promise and Budrus (existing subscribers who extend their subscription will get all four DVDs).

Payment can be by direct debit, credit card, cheque or Paypal. All the details are here.

Individuals, organisations or businesses who feel like going bigger can donate whatever they like here, and we’ll contact you to work out which particular Aboriginal-owned business and not-for profit you want to shower with free New Matilda advertising. The sky is the limit.

Thanks, as always, for your support of independent media in Australia. Any queries, email us or you can contact our office on 02 8399 0171.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
