Subscribe to New Matilda, While You Still Can!


New Matilda exists almost solely on paid reader subscriptions. Unfortunately, our current rate of subscriptions isn’t enough to sustain the publication.

Of course, we’ll find a way to keep going – we always do. But any help our readers can provide is greatly appreciated.

Traffic to the ‘new’ New Matilda is up 300 percent, but the paid subscriptions, unfortunately, are not.

If you’re already subscribed to New Matilda, then a sincere thank you. If you’ve not yet subscribed, and you’re holding out for a better deal… well, this is about as good as it’s going to get.

For $70 or $90 re-subscriptions (ie. existing subscribers who a re-subscribing), we’ll send you a free copy of the award winning film Budrus, a story which charts the struggle of a small Palestinian town against the construction of a ‘wall’ by Israel. We’d love to provide a DVD gift for all $70 and $90 subs, but unfortunately our budget doesn’t stretch that far.

However, it does stretch a little further for new subscribers at the Keen level ($180 per year). Subscribe to that level today, and we’ll chuck in two more DVDs: Pandora’s Promise, and John Pilger’s landmark documentary, Utopia (for more details, click here… and for those waiting on DVDs, we’re expecting another shipment of Utopia next week).

We’ll be launching a major subscription drive before the end of the financial year, to try and cover some of our burgeoning legal costs, and to help us complete a major upgrade of the New Matilda site.

But in order to get there, we need your support today.

Our goal is build the paid subscription base to 10,000 subs by the end of the year. Our basic theory is that if there isn’t 10,000 subscribers out there who are prepared to pay less than $2 a week to support independent media… well, then we’re all in a bit of trouble. At least we are if you believe in the power of independent press.

Ten thousand subscriptions will enable us to pay for an awful lot of investigative journalism. It will also enable us to pay our staff and writers fairly – they’re the folks who slave away each day to bring you some of the best independent journalism in the country.

If funds are tight and you’d prefer to make a smaller contribution, you can make a donation of any amount to New Matilda here.

As always, we appreciate the valuable support we receive from our readers. If you can pass this story on to like-minded family and friends and encourage them to subscribe (ie share this story on social media and tag in your mates) that will also assist enormously.

New Matilda Team

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
