48 Hours To Go!


Dear readers,

We’re down to the wire. Less than two days to go before we reach our fundraising deadline here at New Matilda. We’ve raised over $125,000 — which leaves us with a fair way to go. We’ve been working hard to spread the word, contacting potential private donors and organisations. It will be a nailbiting finish but there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic.

We’ll be keeping you posted about our progress on the site. The moment we receive the donations we need to stay online in 2011, you’ll hear about it. There’s been a big spike in donations this morning and if enough NM readers sign up, we’ll make it. There are thousands of you on our mailing list and we’re sure that if any audience can crowdfund a website, it’s NM’s audience. You can sign up here. If you’ve got any questions about the fundraising, get in touch via enquiriesATnewmatilda.com

We’ve been spreading the word about independent media in other outlets. Today, we have editorials published on ABC Unleashed and the National Times.

These articles cover ground that will be familiar to NM readers. We look at how ready Australian audiences are to complain about the state of online media — and ask when that discontent with a lack of media diversity, with perceived bias, with a too narrow focus will turn into a readiness to pay for content. We look too at what should be self-evident: online media outlets, from New Matilda to Wikileaks, need money to stay online. It is a fantasy that such outlets can operate solely political passion and frenetic energy — not least in the longer term.

Wikileaks continues to invigorate debate about the role of data in journalism. When we relaunched in October, we identified data-driven journalism as one of our priorities for 2011. We’re looking forward to rolling out our plans for an audience with a heightened awareness of the importance of this kind of journalism. To help us get there, please consider becoming a New Matilda supporter for 2011. We’re itching to editorialise about matters beyond NM and independent media.

We know that there are still some problems with the PayPal facility. If you’re having trouble signing up, please email us at enquiriesATnewmatilda.com and we’ll do everything we can to help.

New Matilda cartoonist Fiona Katauskas has offered New Matilda readers signed prints of her December cartoons for $40 (including postage). These hi-res A4 prints usually sell for $45. Choose from this on WikiLeaks  or Friday’s Christmas special.  Email us at enquiriesATnewmatilda.com and we’ll take your order. If we receive your order by Wednesday, you’ll get your print in time for Christmas.

Thank you for your support!

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Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
