A Starguide for Skeptics and Cynics


A sense of inhibition between people will frustrate groupwork this week, but the conditions are also beneficial for insight and innovation. Sometimes a problem that has caused a group to turn into a bloody battleground can be solved by one individual dreamer.

You see suspicious behaviour everywhere. Your friends seem to want something all the time. The people at the bus stop all seem to be carrying ticking boxes. Everything will settle down by the weekend, when you’ll fall back into the cozy lap of irrational trust.

You’ve been careless and disorganised. The only way you can adapt to change right now is to admit defeat. I see some particularly astute Aries have done just that this week by not recontesting Smithfield. Put it down to personal growth, if it makes you feel better.

The struggle to get where you are today the one you’ve always bragged about to your ruling class friends has begun to feel about as popular as a jihad at a country club. You’d better invent a new background, ’cause working class heroes are so five minutes ago.

Mercury’s little suspicion-leads-to-innovation party trick affects you particularly strongly, Gemini. You are more likely to be a victim of the former and a perpetrator of the latter. I see a classic Springsteen moment for you this week: Is that you baby, or just a brilliant disguise?

I want to apologise to Cancerians for targeting your horoscope at Dubya all the time, even though I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read this column. I’m saying this now because the aspects suggest you will feel more appreciated and included this week. (But not by Iraqis.)

This week, you will find yourself giving up too easily. Hey, chin up! Life can’t be all bad. Go on, sing something cheery from the Poppins songbook. Even if you’ve been locked up in solitary for five years without charge, I’m sure the guards will appreciate a tune.

Your instinctive dislike of daydreamers and idlers will be turned on its head this week. The solution can often be found in the last place a clear-thinking mind would look. This week, instead of being irrationally logical, try being rationally illogical.

If at any point in the last week you heard yourself say I like problem-solving, you may be forgiven for thinking that Fate was eavesdropping. A series of malicious coincidences and misplaced communications has got you into quite a pickle. Time to play Mr Fixit.

You have an excess of resources right now, countered by a strong awareness of your limitations. You therefore find the prospect of putting your plans into action a little daunting. Your frustrations at home will soon slip away, allowing you to play the role you have been set.

If you’ve been dumped like Amanda Vanstone, you may feel tempted to write a book about it. Your usual restlessness will likely be channelled into rebellious behaviour and petty, vengeful acts. Choose your targets carefully and give Mark Latham’s publisher a call.

Frustration seems to meet you at every turn, but if you separate the problems into smaller parts you will find them easier to solve. The journey of a thousand miles may begin with a single step, but you still have 999.9 miles to go. Trust in your patience and wear comfortable shoes.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
