Tagged: racism

A Punter’s Guide To Bill Leak, The Oz And The Companies That Finance Their Racism
Rather than apologise for the racist cartoon in yesterday’s Australian newspaper, Bill Leak and Australia’s…More

Artistic Arse: The Great Racist Works Of Cartoonist Bill Leak
Cartoonist for The Australian Bill Leak has once again caused controversy… which, let’s face it,…More

An Open Letter To Australia’s Prime Minister And Political Leaders On Racial Intolerance
The signatories of this open letter are academics and scholars from across Australia who wish…More

Australia’s Racism Problem Is A Growing Emergency
In an open letter to readers Amy McQuire, Michael Brull, and Samah Sabawi call for…More

MP Responds To Racist Comments With ‘Cathartic’ Memes
With Pauline Hanson soon to return to Canberra, the question of how to respond to…More

Andrew Bolt Asks ‘Who Could Blame Anti-Muslim Vigilantes?’
Andrew Bolt has long had a problem with Muslims and Islam, but his latest column…More

Today Show Host Invokes Dead Child To Call For Muslim Immigration Ban
Pauline Hanson is back in Parliament and the racists are suddenly coming out of the…More

Hanson’s Rise A Double Insult For Australian Muslims
Those who have made a life in Australia are forced to watch atrocities against Muslims…More

After Orlando, The Danger Of Pauline Hanson Becomes Apparent
Radicalised and radicalising, Hanson represents a crop of anti-Muslim agitators currently running for Parliament. Incredibly,…More