#ItsTheGreensFault That This Story Went Viral



As most would know by now, our bushfire crisis was started by the Australian Greens. They’ve been in power here for over 500 years – contrary to popular belief, they were oppressing Aboriginal people long before the British arrived and started killing them.

And now, the Greens have started killing their own, after preventing hazard reduction burns all around the country by using their majority in every Australian Parliament to shut down debate.

Or so goes, somewhat roughly, the narrative that is being quietly advanced by the Morrison government, their boosters, and their detestable lackeys.

The hashtag #ItsTheGreensFault – purportedly started by the Young Liberals to try and divert attention away from the staggering performance of their ‘Dear Leader’ – is gathering pace on social media.

It does beg the question what sort of a person would look at a crisis of this magnitude – which has so far claimed several dozen human lives, and more than half a billion animal ones – and think to themselves, ‘Hmmm… how can I capitalise on this?’

Regardless, as with all things #ScottyFromMarketing, it’s blown up in their face. The Greens have embraced the hashtag, and re-engineered it, thus:

But by far the most stinging response of all has come from a federal Greens politician himself – Jordon Steele-John.

Steele-John, the youngest person in Australian Parliament, gets around in a wheelchair. Hence:

There is a touch of relief from some that the hashtag isn’t quite what it appears.

Although, we’ve started our own variation on a theme… in the interests of political balance.

Still on the amusing hashtag front, with some on the left jokingly baying for a leadership challenge from Peter Dutton – because he couldn’t do a worse job than Morrison (a phrase that no-one ever thought would asppear in nature) – some smart bastard has come up with a campaign to help the ‘Copper from Queensland’ win the top job.

#PeterFromSecurity hasn’t started trending yet, although that’s no doubt in part due to the fact there seems to be no end of creative ways #ScottyFromMarketing has managed to screw up and draw attention to himself.

Just give it time, lefties, give it time….

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Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
