Brace Yourself: Hitler, Churchill And Thatcher Reborn In Australian Theatre Tour


ADVERTORIAL: Award winning British actor and playwright Pip Utton makes his Australian debut touring three of his most ground breaking  plays, illustrating history’s most notorious leaders.

“Terrifying, Searing, Transfixing. It is impossible to be anything other than totally absorbed” – The Scotsman

Utton’s award winning one-man-performances offer five-star theatrical portraits of German dictator Adolf Hitler and British prime ministers Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.

A scene from Pip Utton's Churchill.
A scene from Pip Utton’s Churchill.

Adolf is live theatre at its best, with themes and subjects that touch us all. It is powerful, dramatic challenging, divisive, illustrative and educational. It is utterly provocative and totally necessary. This production comes with a sting in its tail so powerful that it forces you to look within your own self as it plummets to the very source of racism and exposes how its influence lurks just below the surface of our own lives.

The tension rises in Playing Maggie as The Iron Lady steps aside from her lectern and addresses you directly. Now it is your turn. The real reason you have come to watch this show. Raise your hand and ask the questions that have burned you for years. Some answers will make your blood boil. Some will make you laugh. But every single answer will portray a level of honestly you won’t be able to escape.

A scene from Pip Utton's Playing Maggie.
A scene from Pip Utton’s Playing Maggie.

A moment of magic is shared in Churchill as Big Ben chimes and strikes 13, a time when once a year for just over an hour, the statues of the greatest statesmen in Parliament Square, London, come to life once again.

In the current political climate, there’s been no better time to look back at history’s leaders – both good and bad – and see what their legacy has created.

This is the kind of theatre people talk about – it causes controversy everywhere it goes, and it is important that it is seen.

For tickets and venue details, click here.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
