Peter Dutton: Potato By Name, Potato By Nature (And IQ, As It Turns Out)


There’s a widespread theory that people call Immigration Minister Peter Dutton ‘the potato’ because, apparently, his blank, expressionless (and thus far remorseless) face resembles the world’s most popular vegetable.

But it may actually be more related to his IQ. There’s simply no other way to explain Dutton’s latest public offering.

In a story published earlier today, Dutton has taken aim at Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young for, we learn, ‘only being interested in publicity’.

He’s apparently incensed at reports Hanson-Young was denied a visa to visit Nauru (where Dutton jails men, women and children whose heinous crime has been to seek asylum). But not because the visa of a democratically elected parliamentarian was refused, but because Hanson-Young had the temerity to complain about it.

Over to Dutton….

“What Sarah Hanson-Young is about is publicity,” he told 2GB. “She loves the camera and she loves to see her own name in the paper.

“That’s the start and finish of Sarah Hanson-Young. That’s what she’s about and I’m not going to add to her publicity.”

The story, as you might expect, is going viral… with some nice big photos pf Hanson-Young accompanying it.

In Dutton’s defence, you can understand his dislike for publicity, particularly after being caught on an ABC camera last year joking about climate change wiping out Pacific Island nations.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
