WATCH: Adam Briggs And Charlie Pickering Skewer White Australia On Constitutional Recognition


Rapper and comedic actor Adam Briggs has been having a good run of late. Off the back of his impressive hip-hop releases the Yorta Yorta man has been starring in the ABC’s Black Comedy, plus calling out racists online and having Invasion Day chats with Aamer Rahman.

Last night he was on Charlie Pickering’s The Weekly, talking Constitutional Recognition and perfectly skewering white Australia’s lack of understanding of both the arguments for and against the proposal, from a First Nations’ perspective.

“When you first showed up here we were treated like flora and fauna,” Briggs told the host, in a ‘live cross’. “To you, this whole place was the botanical guardians. You were wondering around like ‘ohhh, that’s a nice tree. A) that’s not a nice tree, that’s Doug. And B) why are you shooting that tree?”

Briggs makes the case for scrubbing the racist components from the document.

“I’m convinced, let’s do this Briggsy,” an enthusiastic Pickering replies.

“Woah, woah, woah, we’re not sure if this is a good idea or not yet,” Briggs retorts. “Some people feel like Recognition means nothing without reform. You can’t just recognise and move on. That’s like going ‘hey Black man, I see you there – that’s good Indigenous’.”

He points out that the US, Canada, and NZ all have legally binding treaties with First Nations peoples. Confused, Pickering asks what he should do, but gets an ambiguous reply.

Briggs: “just make sure you vote the right way in the referendum.”

Pickering: “OK, which way should we vote.”

Briggs: “The right way. The power is in your hands white people, you know, like always.”

The Weekly: Constitutional RecognitionGet your Facebook filters ready! Adam Briggs reports from Indigenous Australia on Constitutional RecognitionCatch #TheWeekly on 8:30pm Wednesdays on ABC TV or on ABC iview

Posted by The Weekly on Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
