Danny Lim Is Back In Business With A Brand New Sign For Tony Abbott


Danny Lim – the man who sparked an international media storm earlier this week after being fined and moved on by police for wearing a sign in public that read, “Tony [Abbott], You C*nt’ – is back out on the streets tonight.

And he has a new sign.

“Tony you XXXX.” Followed by “Tony you XXX’X”.

Inexplicably, the apostrophe is in the shape of a little pink sperm, although with or without it, it’s still unclear exactly what the word spells (suggestions in the comment section below, dear readers).

It’s been a big week for the peace activist, whose been an iconic Sydney figure for more than 20 years as the wildly smiling, waving guy on the side of major roads wearing sandwich boards that promote peace.

Lim was fined $500 for offensive conduct by police in Edgecliff, after a story went viral with him photographed standing next to Prime Ministerial aspirant Malcolm Turnbull last week.

Turnbull was forced to issue yet another public statement supporting Abbott, while stating that he hadn’t actually read the sign when he began chatting to Lim.

Two separate crowd sourcing campaigns were started to raise money to pay the fine. Lim says combined, they raised around $6,000, although he’s asked for the money to be donated to charity.

Lim told New Matilda this evening he would be challenging the fine in court, and has had more than half a dozen lawyers offer to represent him pro bono.

It was a big week for Abbott too – not only was he branded a ‘c*nt' across international media, but the following day the world learned that he also ‘loves anal’, after ABC TV’s Q&A program tweeted a comment on the show that included the Twitter handle ‘AbbottLovesAnal’.

Both incidents sparked widespread outrage among conservatives, although the truth of both statements is yet to have been definitively disproved.

Lim was plying his trade on King Street tonight. Ironically, he was positioned just outside the Dendy Theatre, which was playing an advanced screening of the documentary Gayby Baby (New Matilda will have a review on the film tomorrow morning).

New Matilda has been unable to confirm reports that dozens of ambulances were required to treat conservatives who were overcome by the coalescing of so many left-wing issues in such a small area.

Chris Graham is the publisher and editor of New Matilda. He is the former founding managing editor of the National Indigenous Times and Tracker magazine. In more than three decades of journalism he's had his home and office raided by the Australian Federal Police; he's been arrested and briefly jailed in Israel; he's reported from a swag in Outback Australia on and off for years. Chris has worked across multiple mediums including print, radio and film. His proudest achievement is serving as an Associate producer on John Pilger's 2013 film Utopia. He's also won a few journalism awards along the way in both the US and Australia, including a Walkley Award, a Walkley High Commendation and two Human Rights Awards. Since late 2021, Chris has been battling various serious heart and lung conditions. He's begun the process of quietly planning a "gentle exit" after "tying up a few loose ends" in 2024 and 2025. So watch this space.
