Nationals MP Calls Anti-Reclaim Australia Rally Racist, Reports Flag Burners For Breaching 18C


George Christensen, the National Party Deputy Whip, has reported some whipersnappin’ “socialist ratbags” to the Human Rights Commission for burning an Australian flag at a counter Reclaim Australia protest.

“The clowns who burned three Australian flags at a protest on the Easter weekend, protected by a wall of socialist ratbags, have been reported to the Human Rights Commission,” the federal member for Dawson blogged.

The outspoken backbencher has asked the Commission to investigate whether the flag burnin’ was in breach of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

“18C makes acts against persons because of their national origin unlawful,” he tweeted. “Lefties defend 18C without understanding it”.

Christensen should be very familiar with 18C after his government spent a good chunk of last year unsuccessfully trying the prohibition on acts which are reasonably likely to offend, insult, or humiliate someone on the basis of race, colour, or national or ethnic origin.

The MP said he had been contacted by people “offended by protestors burning the national symbol during aggressive Socialist Alternative and Socialist alliance [sic]protests in Melbourne”.

“If sections of the Act can be applied to one race or nationality it must apply to all, whether a minority or the majority,” he wrote.

Christensen said the “legitimate concerns” of Reclaimers “were not targeting individuals or a specific religion”.

The thousands of “professional protesters” who turned out to anti-Reclaim rallies “have tried to make it about race and engaged in extremely racist and intolerant actions,” Christensen said.

Reclaimers, like Christensen, are worried about “a push to introduce Sharia law in to Australia, and the connections between halal certification and funding for terrorist organisations”.

“Everyone needs to set aside their pre-conceived ideas,” Christensen said, and open their minds to the possibility that mums and dads and white people around the nation could be funding terrorism through “the quasi-religious tax known as halal certification”.

“I don’t know whether my grocery spend is going to fund extremist versions of that religion or extremist religious activities that I would rather not see in Australia,” Christensen has written in a previous blog post.

After numerous fact-checking exercises, almost everyone else does.

But Christensen wants a parliamentary inquiry.

“There is certainly enough evidence to suggest it is an extortion racket and it now looks like the links to terrorist-funding found overseas also applies in Australia,” he said.

“Many people were surprised it is not against the law to burn the Australian flag.”

That’s why he’s appealing to the Human Rights Commission — although not directly to Commissioner Gillian Triggs who Christensen believes is less reliable than Green Left Weekly, which is published by Socialist Alliance — to classify it as racial discrimination.

“It is a shame the Socialist ratbags took such aggressive and racist action to shut down any free speech that doesn’t agree with their own ideology,” Christensen said.

“According to the Left, free speech is a right — as long as you agree with the Left.”

According to Christensen, anti-racism laws are wrong. Unless they’re used to help racists.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
