Socialist Alternative is well known for causing trouble. Bless ‘em. But they usually restrict themselves to Direct Action protests and getting in the face of corporates and coppers.
But it looks like someone in the Socialist bunker got a copy of iMovie for Christmas… and they got busy giving new meaning to the term ‘electronic graffiti’.
SA have chopped up the one hour address (with questions) that Prime Minister Tony Abbott delivered earlier today to the National Press Club. This, however, is no ordinary meme, with fart noises and clever edits to make Abbott confess to things like bestiality and misogyny (not necessarily in that order).
The editing is very ‘on message’ with the core theme of Socialist Alternative’s main beef – that big business are a pack of pricks, and that the government does their bidding.
If you just listen to the sound, here’s what Socialist Alternative* have Tony Abbott saying to the National Press Club, at a time when his leadership is under threat.
“I make it crystal clear that I support the Business Council of Australia. The Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government said much the same thing in the party room.
“Business elected us to make your difficulties worse. They trust my colleagues and the last thing any of them would want to do is to give in, and it’s not going to happen.
“The Howard government focused on you and we are going to take you back to that chaos.
“Politicians do what is best for business, and ourselves.
“Budget repair, it’s about results, and it’s about fear, and it’s about what is best for business.”
Whatever side of the political divide you reside, you’ve got to acknowledge quality craftsmanship.
* This section of article mistakenly referred to Socialist Alliance… which is about as silly an error you can make on the Left of politics. Apologies to both parties, and readers.
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