New Matilda Upgrades


You’ll notice things look a little different on New Matilda today.

We’re happy to announce we’ve performed a long overdue upgrade of the site’s content management system. The old site was about five years old and — as we’re sure you noticed — was starting to show its age.

You should be able to find your way around the new site in much the same way as you used to since not much has changed from a navigation perspective. However, there are a number of benefits to the new system.

For starters, you’ll now be able to read NM easily on your mobile device (welcome to 2013!). We’ve streamlined the process for signing up to our news digest (do it now if you haven’t already — it’s free). And we’re also anticipating far less downtime due to site crashes. 

But the most exciting feature of the new site is our new payment system, which is based on the secure online payment facility, Fat Zebra. That means you no longer have to use PayPal to support quality independent media. Fat Zebra is an independent, Australian-based outfit, and we think you’ll agree that it's a much better fit for New Matilda than Paypal.

You can test out the new system here.

Tip: it’s a lot easier to use than the old one!

All supporters who are currently signed up to ongoing monthly payments have the option of staying with PayPal or moving over to the new system — stay tuned, we’ll be in contact with you directly about that soon.

As with all new site launches, we expect there will be bugs, so if you see anything unusual or something is not working the way it should, please post a comment below. You’ll notice the "What’s Hot" menu is currently pulling up old articles. Please be patient as we iron out this and other issues. 

This upgrade was paid for by all of you who answered the call during our September fundraising drive last year. We wouldn’t and couldn’t have done it without you, so thank you.

If you are not already a paid supporter, why not be one of the first to test out the new payment facility today? NM is reader-funded and all money raised is invested straight back into publishing quality journalism.

The site rebuild was done by the folks at Morgan, and we thank them for their great work.

We’d also like to thank Tom Cameron from Mooball IT, who has hosted NM for the past five years and showed unending patience supporting an old and creaky website. If you are a New Matilda reader and you want to give back to a prime supporter of independent media, consider taking your business to Mooball IT.

Enjoy the new site.

Marni Cordell

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
