Where Is The Safest Place On Earth?


Here at blogwatch, we were shocked to discover that there are people who aren’t interested in reading us — not because they don’t like our writing, but because they’ve decided to form militia communes in the mountains to survive a global catastrophe triggered by the New World Order. Fearing these potential readers would be lost forever, we had to know more.

The so-called "survivalist" movement came out of the United States back in the 1960s when nuclear holocaust, economic collapse and social disintegration were front-page news. Radicals from both the left and the right decided to head for the hills in preparation for the end of the world.

The end never came, but that didn’t stop recruitment. This year there has been a lot to panic about, and survivalism is enjoying a surge in popularity.

"The interesting thing about the [survivalist]movement at this moment in history is that survivalism has now gone green — at least in theory," says Scott Thrill on AlterNet. "From peak oil and food crises all the way to catastrophic payback from that bitch Mother Earth, there are more reasons to hide than ever."

The result is growing communities with a rich mix of self-reliant citizens: environmentalists, tree changers, loners, transition towners, federalists, white supremacists and evangelical Christians are all preparing for the post-tribulation rapture.

Before you start muttering "those crazy Americans", you should know that we have our very own eco-warriors right here in Oz. Energy Bulletin quotes a Weekend Australian article on survivalist Steve McReady, an aircraft engineer from Adelaide:

"He has bought a property in New Zealand — which he says fares well in climate-change models — and once he gets his affairs in order he’ll move there to learn about growing vegies and raising chooks… He would have been talking marriage with his girlfriend now if it weren’t for all this. ‘She’s a really nice person, great morals, but the lifestyle she aspires to is what most modern women want,’ McReady explains the first time we talk on the phone. ‘We’re still going out and doing things together. We have talked about this issue but we really haven’t resolved it. I’m relying on time. Maybe $2-a-litre petrol by Christmas or if the United States invades Iran … Perhaps if she saw that what I’m talking about was true, she might change her attitude’."

McReady may have chosen New Zealand as his safe haven, but it turns out that there’s a competitive market for "safest place on Earth".

Former Green Beret and US Presidential Candidate Colonel Bo Gritz thinks he’s found it — the self-described "inspiration for Rambo" has set up a community in rural Idaho called Almost Heaven. One thousand acres of land quickly sold when word spread that the legendary constitutionalist was creating his own community.

With Almost Heaven full, other entrepreneurs began founding "nearby developments with names like Shenandoah, Doves of the Valley and Woodland Acres" writes Rebecca Boone.

For those looking to buy a nice place to sit out the end of the world, check out Survival Realty. Forget modern kitchens and panoramic views, key selling points include "defensible" or "area has many other survival-minded people, including experts in solar and wind power, alternative medicine, excavating, earth ship homes, etc".

Bo Gritz has since left Almost Heaven, but his survival advice and political analysis can be found here. The lead article begins, "To understand where we are in America (God’s Kingdom Come to Earth) today and where we’re going, you must know how we arrived at the cusp of Global Corporate Fascism".

Last week, to really understand what Gritz is preparing for, the newmatilda.com blogwatch team watched his instructional training videos. After 66 hours (straight), we are now qualified SPIKE (Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events). The highlights for us were the breaking locks for entry to obtain food, water, shelter, communication and/or transportation in emergencies; packing animals for extended outings; emergency surgery involving invasive surgical procedures; and the special CIA method for always getting your own way.

Of course Gritz’s advice mostly revolves around the power of Christ and the American constitution, so for counsel on surviving a post-Apocalyptic Australia you may want to visit aussurvivalist.com. The homepage includes a handy graph which shows "the possible causes and likelihood of a major catastrophe in the next 10 years".

According to the graph, there is a 59 per cent chance of a natural pandemic, a 45 per cent chance of World War III beginning and an 87 per cent chance of global warming causing a catastrophe.

The site also contains a list of "survivalist prophecies", although these seem slightly out of date: "Three days of darkness, which I firmly believe will take place in October 2000, and involve major volcanic eruptions and earth changes globally."

And: "Stormberger was a remarkable 19th Century Bavarian seer who was able to visualise with great accuracy the events that would take place in the 20th Century. The third world war will be the most catastrophic war to hit mankind this century."

Until then, survivalists around the world are busily preparing. Like blogger Total Survivalist, who appeared to enjoy Thanksgiving:

"We were watching the parades for a while, not so much because we like them but because that is what you do on Turkey Day. I had a little bit of Baileys in my second cup of coffee which was nice. It will be the first time Wifey has ever cooked a turkey and the first time I have ever carved one. Fun times."

Will we still have Baileys after Armageddon?

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
