Rules for Immigrants


While their recent remarks are welcome, I don’t think the Prime Minister, the Treasurer or Pauline Hanson have gone anywhere far enough in their comments about intending immigrants to this country. Nevertheless, it’s good that they all agree on the subject of immigration and the threat to the Anglo-Saxon Way of Life.

At last, we look like being One Nation.

Thanks to Bill Leak.

But Howard, Costello and Hanson have, alas, still fallen unwitting prey to that insidious, mushy thing called ‘multiculturalism.’ They have not been tough enough. Immigrants, if we must have them, should not only realise they have to obey our laws and respect our institutions and culture t here are other things they must do too.

Unrestricted immigration, of the kind we have had in the past under Hawke, Keating and that turncoat Fraser, has affected our very existence: our diet, our clothes, our names, our sport, our education, the structure of our families. If we do not take action now, the British Way of Life that has built this fine country will be gone forever. Danna Vale was right: if abortion goes on the way it is, we will all be Muslims by the end of the century. And as that Labor man, Arthur Calwell, once said: ‘Two Wongs do not make a White.’

The task before us is two-fold. Firstly, we must rigorously change the rules of admission to this great country; and secondly, we have to counter the effects of the hitherto unrestricted nay, disastrous immigration policies of the past. Politicians prior to John Howard have much to answer for.

I have some suggestions for future immigration policy.

The country of origin should be carefully considered. Preference at all times should be given to skilled and hard working people from the British Isles and I include Ireland in this, except to say that the ‘screening process’ should be vigorously applied to people from that country, which, alas, has history of violence, heavy drinking and unreliability.

There should be a religious test, preference being given to the Church of England, then the other non-conformist religions. Roman Catholics will be admitted, but as the Prime Minister says, we must be careful to achieve a ‘balance.’ Other Christian religions can be considered, but there should be a big question mark over foreign beliefs. Muslims and atheists should not be admitted.

Enquiries should be made as to the immigrants’ political background. Has the applicant, for example, ever been linked to a revolutionary or terrorist organisation? It is, of course, quite easy for the intending immigrant to evade the truth; therefore, he/she should be given a lie-detector test.

Dictation test. This should be reintroduced, the emphasis being on workable English. The test should include information about our political institutions and perhaps a quiz about the rules of cricket and football (Aussie Rules preferably).

Clothing. Head scarfs, turbans and long, enveloping garments should not be permitted. Young men should be encouraged to wear shorts and long white socks in the summer. If it was good enough for the Prime Minister, it is good enough for immigrants.

Transportation. Immigrants should be transported by ship, and not by aeroplane. Sea is cheaper than air, and the immigrants will have more time to learn about the culture of their new country.

Any form of government assistance (Centrelink and so on) should be unavailable for five years, and immigrants should take up jobs where they will be most useful in building up this great country of ours.

Admission and detention camps. These should be expanded and made more secure, capitalising on the fine work done by the Department of Immigration especially when it was in the hands of Mr Ruddock.

The second aspect of immigration that must be changed concerns Australian society as it is now, after years of ‘multiculturalism.’ This is a much harder task, but where there is a will, there is a way. We can, I hope, look forward to leadership from the Prime Minister and Treasurer. I would hope, too, that the valuable input from Ms Hanson will be taken on board.

All too often we hear the babble of foreign tongues on the streets, and there are even strange languages in the phone book. Speaking English in streets, schools, shops, etc should be made compulsory and the speaking of foreign languages restricted to the privacy of the home. Children, of course, should only be allowed to speak English. SBS has to go.

It is very hard to legislate for human emotions. It may well be that a loved one falls into a relationship with a migrant. I would think long and hard before I let a migrant join the family group. As Mr Howard has said, we must at all times consider the question of balance. Mixed marriages religious or cultural often do not work. Marry in haste; repent at leisure.

We have, in the past 40 years or so, seen considerable changes in our diet.

In Sydney and Melbourne, it is now virtually impossible to get an ‘Australian’ meal; that is: a steak or chops and a cup of tea. Even the pubs serve schnitzels and other strange dishes. The only place you can get a traditional Australian meal is the family barbecue. The nation, we are told, suffers from an obesity crisis. This is caused by eating large amounts of pasta and Middle Eastern food.

The sooner we get back to chops, potatoes and peas, the better. Cookbooks are full of foreign recipes, and the sales of the Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union’s (PWMU) Cookbook have plummeted. What, I ask, is wrong with a good lamington or vanilla slice?

John Howard, Peter Costello and Pauline Hanson are right our Way of Life is under threat from foreign immigrants.

Australians values forever!

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
