Week That Was


December 7

1877 Thomas A Edison demonstrates the gramophone
1937 Dutch Minister Romme proclaims married women are forbidden to work
1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
1941 Australian bombers land on Timor/Ambon
1945 Microwave oven patented
1949 Chiang Kai-shek flees to Taiwan
1975 Indonesian army occupies East Timor
1983 France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1988 Mikhail Gorbachev cheered by Wall Street crowds upon arrival in NYC
1993 South African transitional executive council set up

December 8

1777 Captain Cook leaves Society Islands
1880 5,000 armed Boers gather in Paardekraal South-Africa
1923 German-US friendship treaty signed
1931 Coaxial cable patented
1941 US & Britain declare war on Japan, US enters WWII
1974 Irish Republican Socialist Party forms
1987 Occupied Palestinians start "intefadeh" (uprising) against Israel

December 9

0536 Byzantines Libya occupies Rome on Ostrogoten
1738 Jews are expelled from Breslau Silesia
1851 1st Young Men’s Christian Association in North America (Montréal)
1903 Norwegian parliament vote unanimously for female suffrage
1941 China declares war on Japan, Germany & Italy
1948 UN General Assembly unanimously approves Convention on Genocide
1953 General Electric announces all Communist employees will be fired
1967 Nicolae Ceausescu becomes President (dictator) of Romania
1992 Operation Restore Hope – US Marines land in Somalia

December 10

1520 Martin Luther publicly burned papal edict demands he recant
1887 Austria-Hungary/Italy/Great-Britain signs military treaty of Balkan
1898 Spanish-American War ends; US acquires Philippines, Puerto Rico & Guam
1899 1st defeat of "Black Week" – Battle at Stormberg South Africa – Boers vs British army; nearly 3000 British troops killed
1901 1st Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frederic Passy)
1925 George Bernard Shaw awarded Nobel
1926 2nd part of Hitler’s Mein Kampf published
1936 King Edward VIII abdicates throne to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson
1948 UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1974 European Economic Community calls for a European Parliament
1981 El Salvador army kills 900
1984 South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received his Nobel Peace Prize
1994 European Campaign against Racism "All different, All equal" begins

December 11

1620 103 Mayflower pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
1903 British forces under MacDonald & Young march into Tibet
1909 Colour moving pictures demonstrated at Madison Square Garden, New York NY
1939 New anti Jewish measurements in Poland proclaimed
1941 Germany & Italy declare war on US
1941 Japanese occupy Guam
1956 Anti-Russian demonstrates in Stettin & Wroclaw Poland
1960 Black Sunday – Riot in Algiers, 114 die
1967 People’s front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) established
1986 South Africa censors press

December 12

1098 1st Crusaders capture & plunder Mara Syria
1479 Jews are expelled from Schlettstadt Alsace by Emperor Frederick III
1913 "Mona Lisa", recovered after being stolen from the Louvre Museum in 1911
1915 1st all-metal aircraft (Junkers J.1) test flown at Dessau Germany
1932 USSR & China resume diplomatic relations
1941 German occupying army do a house search in Paris looking for Jews
1942 German offensive in South Western Stalingrad
1959 UN Committee on Peaceful Use of Outer Space is established
1961 Martin Luther King Jr & 700 demonstrators arrested in Albany GA
1988 PLO leader Yasser Arafat accepts Israel’s right to exist
1991 Maastricht Treaty signed to create a European Community

December 13

1577 Sir Francis Drake sets sail from England to go around the world
1642 New Zealand discovered by Dutch navigator Abel Tasman
1833 HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin arrives in Port Deseado, Patagonie
1918 US army of occupation crosses the Rhine, enters Germany
1920 League of Nations establishes International Court of Justice in The Hague
1944 Japanese kamikaze crashes into US cruiser Nashville, kills 138
1961 Gideon Hausner in Jerusalem demands death penalty for Adolf Eichmann
1966 1st US bombing of Hanoi
1979 Strikes against price increases in Gdansk Poland
1981 Polish government declares martial law, arrests Solidarity activists
1991 Both Koreas sign an accord calling for reconciliation

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
