Dear NewMatilda reader,
NewMatilda’s silence since Saturday’s election result reflects some of the stunned reactions out there. We are left with dozens of questions. This issue considers some of them.
Who is to blame for Labor’s defeat? Was it Howard’s interest rate scare campaign? Was it Labor’s forest policy? What role did the Greens play, if any? How did Family First look like winning a senate seat in Victoria?
As well as some of your contributions on election day, we have hard-hitting analysis from pollster Rod Cameron, a reflection on the Prime Minister from Don Watson, and our mystery insider, Dawn Service, wraps up the day. John Menadue, Evan Thornley and others remind us to start looking to the future.
We think it’s a good issue. We hope you agree. Our editor, Natasha Cica, is currently on leave and Issue 8 has been compiled by NewMatilda staff and board members “ which is why it is later than we would have wanted.
With this issue NewMatilda becomes subscription based, as we warned, which means you won’t be able to get onto other parts of this site without being paid up. The thousands who have already subscribed will be able to access the website as usual.
Now is a good time too to tell us if you are having problems of access or duplication – and keep your comments coming. It’s early days, we are still having teething problems and we welcome your feedback above all.
Report of the ACT Bill of Rights Consultative Committee, Towards an ACT Human Rights Act (May 2003)
Ken Patterson, Investigation into Risk of Harm to Clients of Mental Health Services (2002) and Rod Mann and Kerrie LaRoche, The Review of the Design and Operation of the Psychiatry Services Unit (2003)
Director of Public Prosecutions’ statement at the Legislative Assembly Legal Affairs Committee hearing on Annual Reports on 11 February 2005
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