Tagged: workchoices

The ABCC Of The CFMEU-MUA Union Merger
Two of the most aggressive unions are considering uniting as the Turnbull government pushes on…More
Ambition Comes First For Paul Howes
Paul Howes, the young boss of the venerable Australian Workers Union, is no stranger to…More
Union Star Chambers To Return Under Abbott
The first two months of the Abbott government have shown us a lot about its…More
Night Of The Living WorkChoices
So, John Howard gave a speech. You’d be forgiven for wondering why the media is…More
The Fair Work Act Works
The result of the Federal government’s post-implementation review of the Fair Work Act 2009 was…More
It's Time To Take Casual Labour Seriously
Scaremongering about the return of WorkChoices has commenced. When the national secretary of the Australian…More
Work Safety Is Not Negotiable, Unions Tell Gillard
"We are all diminished by every workplace death and injury," said Ron McCallum, Professor of…More
Lessons from the Waterfront
Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the first act of the Waterfront Dispute of 1998…More
R.I.P WorkChoices?
Governor-General Michael Jeffery formally proclaimed the end of Australian Workplace Agreements at 10:45am yesterday, an…More