Who's Being Swindled Here?
A few years ago the ABC screened a two-part British documentary about environmentalism entitled Against…More
A few years ago the ABC screened a two-part British documentary about environmentalism entitled Against…More
Next week, the ABC will broadcast The Great Climate Change Swindle, a television documentary…More
One of the underlying political messages of Martin Durkin’s documentary, The Great Climate Change Swindle…More
Upon its release last September, Al Gore’s docu-lecture An Inconvenient Truth was roundly hailed as…More
John Howard missed the opportunity of a decade over the weekend when he responded to…More
Last weekend, it became clear that John Howard is trying to reframe climate change as…More
The importance of the G8 in international forums such as the United Nations Framework Convention…More
Propaganda often works through fabrications so audacious that opponents are left shell-shocked and unable to…More
After years of being relegated to niche-issue status, climate change is now a daily feature…More
Catholic doctrine maintains that to avoid time in Purgatory after you die, you need to…More