Tagged: australian politics
Ready, steady …..
It was always going to come down to this. Both campaigns know it. All next…More
Today's odds
Odds are the same as yesterday: Coalition 66%, Labor 34%. In other words, if the…More
Will Mark Latham be any better?
I’ve just seen the premiere of TimeToGoJohn, a rather hurried but passionately packaged attempt by…More
Janine Lacy is an ornament to the game
The surprise inclusion of Janine Lacy, Latham’s first lady, in Labor’s policy launch has received…More
Will Mark Latham be any better?
Ive just seen the premiere of TimeToGoJohn, a rather hurried but passionately packaged attempt by…More
Labor live
Brisbane must be feeling very special this week. Two major political events in less than…More
Today's odds
From yesterday to today is the biggest one-day movement in the markets this election -…More
Reality check
As Australia grinds towards election day 2004, there’s something strange in the air. A whiff…More
Perpetual family debt
The family debt crisis is a big political liability for the government. The problem is…More