Highlights from the forum and feedback to New MatildaMagazineNot surprisingly, Salam Zreika’s piece on the…More
Highlights from the forum and feedback to New MatildaMagazineNot surprisingly, Salam Zreika’s piece on the…More
As members of an independent committee established by the Victorian Government, we have recommended that…More
HUMAN RIGHTS BILL 2006 SUMMARY What rights does the draft Bill seek to protect? The…More
New Matilda’s Human rights Act for Australia was launched in the nation’s capital by Fr…More
On 7 December, The Hon John von Doussa QC, President of HREOC, launched New Matilda’s…More
New Matilda plans to hold launches in Tasmania, Brisbane and Darwin in February 2006. Please…More
New Matiilda has extended the consultation period until the end of March. New Matilda wishes…More
A week ago we heard of the two volunteer lifeguards who were beaten up by…More
In 1968, British Conservative Enoch Powell warned of ‘blood in the streets’ if immigration to…More
The Howard-Ruddock ‘We Did It to the Refugees and Now It’s Your Turn’ Acts have…More