What Really Happens In The Office


We promised to answer all the questions put to us by 20 Questions respondees. We stick to our promises here at newmatilda.com and have truthfully answered the questions — by committee. We’ll leave it to you to match answers to editors.

1. Managing Editor Rod McGuinness
Who else could smash a coffee right now?

2. Former Intern Scott Mitchell
I know it’s cruel to ask which one of us you love the most, but you’ve strung us all along for years and we have to know: If newmatilda.com had to choose the one writer she’d settle down and have a monogamous relationship with, who would it be?
I totally don’t mind if it’s not me, alls I’m saying is that as a 6-year-old, our 15 year age gap is probably the easiest to swallow.

Don’t get us wrong, Scott you’re great but our real favourite author is … us.

3. Resident Satirist Ben Pobjie
Will you still love me tomorrow?
Yes Ben, we will. Stay gold Pobjie-boy …

4. Middle East and South Asia Correspondent Mustafa Qadri
Who edited my last article!? (Joke!)
Catri. (Did a great job too.)

5. Regular Contributor Jason Wilson
Is this really it?
If this is it, we’re all in trouble.

6. Former Associate Editor Rachel Hills
What’s next?
We’re glad you asked.

7. Regular Contributor Antony Loewenstein
Will you miss being abused in Parliament by the Federal Member for Israel, Michael Danby?
No. And we hope he will eventually quit those sorts of attacks when he realises that his lobby can’t stop Australians discussing our relationship to the Middle East forever.

8. National Affairs Correspondent Ben Eltham
Why didn’t you ever let me write about sport?
Because we know you’re smarter than that. And because, ah, some of us aren’t qualified to edit articles about sport …

9. Regular Contributor James Arvanitakis
Why did you not publish me more?
When did we ever say no to you?

And the rest …

10. What campaigning tactic do you most want to see in this year’s federal election?
Less talk about candidates’ wardrobes. And a Masterchef cook-off.

11. If you were given $5 million to save newmatilda.com and lift the level of public debate in Australia, how would you go about it?
Cash for comment seemed pretty effective.

12. What are the oldest things in the newmatilda.com fridge?
A six pack of light beer left over from a Christmas party. And hope.

13. Complete this sentence: I’d like to hear Julia Gillard say …
"Now that the Right has installed me as Prime Minister, I’m going to cut them loose. Sorry lads."

And then, "Stephen Conroy has left the building."

14. Do you have any secret political crushes that you’d like to share with the newmatilda.com readers?
Quite a few but the most debilitating is definitely Kate Ellis.

15. When was the last time you changed your mind on something important?
Last Sunday. It involved ice cream.

16. Would you have preferred to watch a Rudd/Turnbull election over an Abbott/Gillard election?
No way!

17. What was the newmatilda.com headline you always wanted to read but it never happened?
Whatever Happened To Mia Freedman?

18. If you could pick the panel to deliver live commentary on Election Night, who would it be?
John Doyle, Lenore Taylor, Wilson Tuckey and Deb Cameron.

19. What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to know about Australian politics but were afraid to ask?
Does the Usher of the Black Rod have any hobbies?

20. Are you part of the latte belt?
Newmatilda.com is the buckle of the latte belt.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
