YOUR VOICE: Music Makes The Word Go ‘Round | ARIA Australia


New Matilda’s coverage of the Voice referendum continues daily, until October 14, 2023. Part of that coverage includes publishing a wide diversity of opinions from individuals and organisations about their views on the referendum. Here, the Australian Recording Industry Association weighs in with their musical two cents worth. If you want to publish your view, click here to email us a submission. 

Music has the power to bridge gaps and bring people together, no matter who they are or where they come from. It is our belief in the unifying force of music that inspires us to support this historical moment and announce our commitment to a yes vote in the upcoming referendum.

ARIA values and gives thanks to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the immeasurable influence over the music and art we all enjoy.

We want to see a future where all voices are heard and where Indigenous Australians have a real say in shaping the decisions that affect their lives.

We believe that embracing this decision only brings positive outcomes.

We see a country where we are proud to celebrate the richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture through music, through song – a place where those voices are amplified, stories told, and talents cherished.

Together, we can create an inclusive music industry that reflects the true diversity of our nation.

Together, we share a vision for our nation’s future that values diversity, inclusivity, and the rights of the Traditional Custodians of this country we call home.

Together, we walk towards a better future. And the future sounds good.

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
