Letters To The Editor | September 2024


New Matilda is currently revising its social media policy. While that is ongoing, we’re relaunching the old ‘Letters to the editor’ format, to encourage and promote debate on articles published on New Matilda.

In the days before the dumpster fire that is social media, public comment came via a curated section, where readers submitted their views to the publication, and an editor subbed and published them, within certain rules and parameters (eg. anonymous comments were generally only published in exceptional circumstances). Long story short, trolls didn’t exist, because people were accountable for what they said.

As New Matilda works to get our head around a civil and productive way forward around public debate and our journalism (our draft social media policy will be released for  comment soon), we’re rebooting ‘Letters to the Editor’. If you want to have your say on a story, then let rip, and submit via email by clicking here.


Re: My Journey Through The Social Media Swamp: Dr David Shearman

Social Media won’t be fixed until the immoral swamp that is the U.S. changes it’s mind about morality and money. The U.S. is mainly about money; U.S. media is about what sells and what they are allowed to do. But as any suggestion about control over content brings out the 1st amendment activists and other Americans venting about their freedom it’s not going to change.

At the moment my Facebook feed is being swamped with right-wing garbage because the election is coming up. I’ve just about given up looking at Facebook. I don’t use any other social media and I’m not going to.

We are going to have  to try something at this end, and it’s going to involve parents exercising some control over their children’s use of the internet.

David Ashton
via email


Re: Facing The Mirror: How Fascism Masquerades As Freedom And Prejudice Cosplays As Empathy

People will always divide into ‘class’ one way or another, but that should never be allowed to create poverty, hardship and real disadvantage.
Money won’t bring joy, but it at least allows one to be miserable in comfort!”

Jo Lewis
via email

Chris Graham is the publisher and editor of New Matilda. He is the former founding managing editor of the National Indigenous Times and Tracker magazine. In more than three decades of journalism he's had his home and office raided by the Australian Federal Police; he's been arrested and briefly jailed in Israel; he's reported from a swag in Outback Australia on and off for years. Chris has worked across multiple mediums including print, radio and film. His proudest achievement is serving as an Associate producer on John Pilger's 2013 film Utopia. He's also won a few journalism awards along the way in both the US and Australia, including a Walkley Award, a Walkley High Commendation and two Human Rights Awards. Since late 2021, Chris has been battling various serious heart and lung conditions. He's begun the process of quietly planning a "gentle exit" after "tying up a few loose ends" in 2024 and 2025. So watch this space.
