The Donald Tweets, Journalists Drop All Pretense of Impartiality


One of the great myths of the mainstream media is the notion of impartiality… that is, journalists not just conducting themselves in public without bias, but being seen to conduct themselves without bias.

Social media has done away with all that. And it turns out we can also thank US president Donald Trump for shining a light on it.

Earlier this morning, The Donald sent out what, by his standards, was a fairly innocuous, uncontroversial tweet. And surprisingly accurate – there were no spelling mistakes at all!


Comparatively gentle stuff from a man more known for using social media to spread xenophobia, racism and hate. Not that that appears to matter anymore to the thousands of people who replied almost instantly. 20 minutes after posting Trump already had more than 15,000 comments. If you look through the responses, what’s most striking about them is the number of blue ticks… a blue tick being Twitter’s way of saying that ‘this particular user is more important that others’. Or in this case… journalists, who along with celebrities and politicians are the most likely to get the coveted Twitter tick of approval. Love or hate Trump, he’s certainly good at exposing bias. And elitism, his billions of dollars in wealth notwithstanding. Now, over to the media…









Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
