Peter Carey, Margaret Pomeranz, Ian Chappell and several hundred other prominent Australians have backed a small group of rebel MPs battling to shift the Labor Party’s stance on refugees. Max Chalmers reports.
Some of nation’s most iconic names in sport, the arts, science, the legal profession and academia have joined forces to call on the Labor Party to change track on refugee policy.
The group, which now boasts 258 members, has petitioned the party to vote in favour of a motion going before caucus today demanding either greater independent oversight over offshore detention centres, or their complete closure.
It includes artists, film-makers, religious leaders, academics, doctors, writers, journalists, composers, union leaders, human rights and refugee activists, CEOs, lawyers, even a former Labor state premier and a federal Liberal immigration minister.
Among the members are former Australian cricket captain Ian Chappell, former News Corp executive Kim Williams, National Living Treasure and businesswoman Janet Holmes à Court, New Matilda founder and former high ranking public servant John Menadue, human rights lawyer Julian Burnside, and journalist Tracey Spicer.
Joining them are scores of prominent writers, artists and performers including Peter Carey, Tim Winton, Geraldine Brooks, David Williamson, Thomas Kenneally, Miriam Margolyes, Richard Roxburgh, John Bell, Kate Miller-Heidke, Missy Higgins, and Benjamin Law.
ACTU President Ged Kearney, Australia’s first Aboriginal barrister Pat O’Shane, and film critics Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton have joined the list.
The 2015 Sydney Peace Prize winner, film-maker George Gittoes AM has also attached his name.
Core members of the group have been working behind the scenes to change the views of those in the Labor’s parliamentary wing, and help break the bipartisan consensus on boat turnbacks and mandatory offshore detention.

Robin de Crespigny, author of The People Smuggler and a driving force behind the project, told New Matilda the idea had come after a conversation with late Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, at a writer’s festival event.
The group that resulted, which goes by the name of Citizens for Change on Asylum Seekers (CCAS), now includes Ian McPhee on its consultants committee, the man who served as Fraser’s Minister for Immigration from 1979 to 1982. Former West Australian Premier Carmen Lawrence is a member, and it’s also found support among a significant number of medical and health professionals including former Immigration detention worker turned whistleblower, Dr John-Paul Sanggaran.
De Crespigny admits CCAS has not found an overwhelmingly sympathetic ear within Labor, especially from Shadow Minister for Immigration Richard Marles, who so far has not met with the group.
After failing to convince Labor to reject the Coalition’s policy of boat turnbacks at its national conference in July, CCAS has now implored the party to vote in favour of a motion challenging offshore detention, spearheaded by Fremantle MP Melissa Parke.

The motion that will go before Labor’s caucus today asks the party to “…call upon the government to immediately ensure the conditions of offshore detention meet with human rights standards and independent oversight or, if the government is unable or unwilling to implement these standards, to close the centres on Manus Island and Nauru forthwith.”
New Matilda understands the motion will be seconded by NSW MP Jill Hall, and backed by a small group including Anna Burke, Claire Moore, and Lisa Singh.
The group yesterday drew praise from the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, who dubbed the quintet “brave”, and encouraged their colleagues to back the motion.
Despite those calls the motion is still expected to fail, as a similar attempt did in 2014.
The renewed effort to spark a shift within Labor on refugee policy comes after Australia faced a number of questions over its treatment of refugees and asylum seekers at the UN overnight.
The hearing, which included an appearance by Howard-era Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock, was part of Australia’s Universal Periodic Review, during which the UN Human Rights Council questions nations over their record.
Of the 29 questions listed in advance of the review by other states, five related to asylum seekers, outnumbered only by the seven questions on ‘Indigenous issues’.
De Crespigny said Australia’s treatment of refugees had not only embarrassed the country overseas, but changed the character of the nation.
“I don’t think human beings can keep punishing other human beings without it changing you as a person,” she said.
Acknowledging the composition of the MPs understood to be backing Parke’s motion, she noted it had been easier to gain appointments with women in the party than their male counterparts.
“I just found an incredible difference,” she said. “The women were going ‘yes, let’s talk about this.’”
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The undersigned support the motion put to the ALP Caucus on November 10th 2015 for the closure of the Nauru and Manus Island detention centres.
Allan Asher, Lawyer, Former Commonwealth Ombudsman
Julian Burnside AO, QC, Sydney Peace Prize Barrister, Advocate
Misha Coleman, Executive Officer of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
Robin de Crespigny, Human Rights Award for Literature CCAS Founder, Author, Filmmaker
Bill Ethell, Former National President of the BWIU, Skipper of the Pacific Peacemaker
Jana Favero, Asylum Resource Centre
Erika Feller, Former Assistant High Commissioner UNHCR
Phil Glendenning, President of the Refugee Council and Director of the Edmund Rice Centre
Janet Holmes à Court AC, FAHA, National Living Treasure Business Executive, Arts Patron
Ged Kearney, President ACTU
Ian McPhee AO, Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs 1979-82
Shane Prince, Barrister, Advocate
Jim Brown, CCAS Campaign Coordinator
Henrietta de Crespigny, CCAS Research Coordinator
Phillip Adams, FAHA Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, Broadcaster
Dr. Robert Adler, MBBS, PhD, M.Crim (For. Psych.), FRACP, FRANZCP, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Noel Ancell OAM, Music Director
Neil Armfield AO, Theatre, Opera & Screen Director
Martin Armiger, Musician, Composer, Head of Screen Music AFTRS
Gillian Armstrong AM, AACTA Award Film Director
Dr. Michael S. Armstrong, MB, BS, MD, M.Psychotherapy, DPM., FIA.Psych., FRC.Psych. Psychiatrist
David Arnault, Novelist, a poet and a publisher
Peter Arndt, Executive Officer, Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, Brisbane
Sister Brigid Arthur, Vice-chair, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce. Co-ordinator, Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project.
Kate Atkinson, Actor, co-founder of Actors for Refugees, Patron of Sanctuary Foundation
Jeannie Baker, Artist, Author
Greg Barns, Barrister, former National President of the Australian Lawyers Alliance, Writer
John Bell AO, OBE, Bell Shakespeare
Sara Bennett, Film Editor (retired), Head of Editing Dept. at Australian Film, Television and Radio School 1994-2000
Reverend Rod Benson, Chair, Baptist Social Issues Committee
Emeritus Prof. Sidney Bloch, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne
Erica Booker, DCSM, Dip. Spec. Mus. Edn., FCSME, LmusA Pianist, Educator
Dr. Anne Boyd AM, Composer
Russell Boyd, ACS ASC, Academy Award for Cinematography, Director of Photography
Anna Broinowski, Filmmaker, Writer
Geraldine Brooks, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Lifetime Achievement Author
Ann Brown, Former Financial Manager Belvoir Street Theatre
Darleen Bungey, Author
Prof. David Burgner, BSc(Hons), MB, ChB, MRCP, MRCPCH, DTM&H, FRACP, PhD University of Melbourne, Paediatrician
Pastor David Busch, Uniting Church, Coordinator of Redlands for Refugees (Brisbane)
Peter Carey AO, FRSL, Man Booker Prize, Miles Franklin Award Author
Penny Carl-Nelson, Film Producer, Film Finance
Prof. Stephen Castles, Research Chair in Sociology; Member of the Advisory Committee of the Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at the University of New South Wales
Dr. Chris Caton, Chief Economist, BT Financial Group
The Very Reverend Dr. Peter Catt, Dean, St. John’s Cathedral Brisbane. Chair, Australian Churches Refuge Taskforce
Dr. David Champion, MS, BS, MD, FRA, Rheumatologist
Greg Champion, Singer, Songwriter
Ian Chappell, Former Captain Australian Cricket Team, Commentator and Sports Journalist
Fr. George Charles, Anglican Priest
Barbara A Chobocky, Filmmaker
Reverend Eira Clapton, Chair, CARD, Uniting Church Western Australia
Commissioner James Condon, Territorial Commander, The Salvation Army, Australia Eastern Territory
Dr Andrew Court, MBBS, FRACP, FRANZCP, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Geoffrey Cousins AM, President Australian Consevation Foundation, Business Executive, Author
Mike Coward, Senior cricket writer, commentator and author
Lynne Crilley pbvm, Justice Coordinator Presentation Sisters
Marion Crooke, Victorian Women’s Trust
Mary Crooks OA, Centenary Medal Executive Director Victorian Women’s Trust
Major Sandy Crowdon, Social Justice Secretary, Salvation Army
Chris Cull, Human Rights Advocate
Pamela Curr, Refugee and Detention Rights Advocate, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Prof. Ann Curthoys, Honorary Professor of History at the University of Sydney; Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities; Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.
Burkhard Dallwitz, Australian Screen Music Award Screen Composer
Dur-e Dara OAM, Philanthropist, Businesswoman, Restaurateur, Victorian Women’s Trust
Stuart Davey, Director Glebe Justice Centre
Justine Davis, BLegS, MA, MIK, JP Coordinator DASSAN (Darwin Asylum Seekers Support and Advocacy Network)
Julian Day, Composer, Artist
Brett Dean, Grawemeyer Award, Paul Lowen Prize, Australian Art Music Award Composer
Carol Dettmann, Education
Anne Deveson AO, Hon.D Litt ( NSW), UN Special Gold Citations Media Peace Prize Author, Broadcaster, Community Health, Filmmaker
Ceridwen Dovey, Author
Reverend Dean Drayton, Past President, Uniting Church Australia
Belinda Duarte, ALF Woman of the Year 2013 Director, Korin Gamadji Institute
Irina Dunn, Former Senator for NSW in the Australian Parliament; Arts Administrator
Dr. Ross Edwards AM, Australian Art Music Award Composer
Prof. Elizabeth Elliott AM, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health The Children’s Hospital, Westmead
Dr. June Factor, Convenor, Befriend a Child in Detention Project ; Co-editor, International Journal of Play, Honorary Senior Fellow School of Historical & Philosophical Studies University of Melbourne
Warren Fahey AM, Centenary Medal, Don Banks Award for Services to Music Cultural historian, author and performer, Don Banks Music Award for lifetime service to music
Philip Feinstein, Music For Refugees
Steven Fisher, Restaurateur, Hospitality Concept Professional
Pat Fiske, Filmmaker
Dr Stephen FitzGerald AO, Former Ambassador to China; formerly Chair, Committee to Advise on Australia’s Immigration Policies, Chair, Asian Studies Council, Chair, Asia-Australia Institute
Dr. Caroline Fleay, Senior Lecturer, Human Rights Education, Curtin University
Dr. Andrew Ford, Paul Lowin Prize, Albert H. Maggs Composition Award, Australian Art Music Award Composer
Hester Fraser – GOLDHEIST, Composer, Singer, Musician, The Hon. Mr. Fraser’s Granddaughter
Rod Freedman, Filmmaker
Anna Funder, WA Premier’s Prize, Miles Franklin Award, Samuel Johnson Prize Author
Chris Fussell, Artist
Frances Fussell, Artist
Alistair Gee, Executive Director, Act for Peace
Lisa Gerrard, Golden Globe Award, Australian Screen Music Award, Composer, Vocalist
Simon Gilby, Artist
Richard Gill OAM, Centenary Medal Conductor, Music Educator
George Gittoes AM, Sydney Peace Prize, Centenary Medal, Hon.Litt.D Artist, Filmmaker
Tim Gooden, Secretary Geelong Trades Hall
Renee Goossens, Former SBSTV editor, Arts Advocate
Christopher Gordon, Centenary Medal, AACTA Award Composer
Prof. Lyn Gorman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Charles Sturt University (retired)
Emeritus Prof. Kerry Goulston AO, MD, FRACP Sydney University, Sydney Medical School
Diane Grady AM, BA, MA, MBA, FAICD Business Executive
Iain Grandage, Five Helpman Awards Composer, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia
Kevin Greenhatch, B.Arch, ARAIA Architect
Dr. Kate Grenville, FAHA, Commonwealth Writer’s Prize, NSW Premier’s Literary Award Author
Guy Gross, Australian Screen Music Award Composer, Film Producer
Sandra Gross, Film Producer
The late Yoram Gross, Film Director, Film Producer
Mac Gudgeon, AACTA Award Screenwriter
Dr. Hasantha Gunasekera, MBBS, DCH, MIPH (Hons), FRACP, PhD Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, Westmead Hospital
Marilyn Hadfield, Psychologist
Bruce Haigh, Political Commentator and retired Diplomat
Graeme Harris, Chair of Church Council, Geelong City Parish of Uniting Church in Australia
Kaye Harrison, Filmmaker
Dr. Lisa Hartley, Lecturer, Centre for Human Rights Education, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University
Jo Hawke, Human Rights Advocate
Gerard Hayes, NSW Secretary and National Assistant Secretary Health Services Union
Rachel Healey, Co-Artistic Director Adelaide Arts Festival
Rev. John Henderson, Bishop, Lutheran Church of Australia
Peter Hennessy, Managing Director of St Francis Social Services
Dr. Daphne Hewson, Psychologist
Missy Higgins, Singer, Songwriter
Rowland Hill
Chief Administrator of The Thomas Foundation
David Hirschfelder, Academy Award nominee, BAFTA Award, AACTA Award Screen Composer
Dorothy Hoddinott AO, FACE, Hon. DlDLitt. Australian Human Rights Medalist Pro-Chancellor and Fellow of the Senate of the University of Sydney, Principal Holroyd High School
Tony Horwitz, Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting Journalist, Writer
The Right Reverend Philip Huggins, Bishop of North West Region, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. Chair of the Anglican Church of Australia’s General Synod Working Group on Refugee & Asylum Seeker issues
Prof. David Isaacs, MBBChir, MD, FRACP, FRCPCH Clinical Professor in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Sydney
Mark Isaacs, Author
Linda Jaivin, Author
Reverend John Jegasothy, Uniting Church Australia
Alan John, Composer
Assoc. Prof. Alyson Kakakios OAM, MB, BS, FRACP University of Sydney, Paediatrician
Andrew Kaldor AM, Founder Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, Business Executive, Philanthropist
Renata Kaldor AO, Centenary Medal Founder Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, Business Executive, Philanthropist
Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM, CEO and Founder Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Thomas Keneally AO, Man Booker Prize, Miles Franklin Award, Prime Minister’s Literary Award Author, Playwright
Adjunct Assoc. Prof. Henry Kilham, MB, BS, Grad Dip Bioethics, FRACP University of Sydney, Paediatrician
Julia King AM, NOM (France) Business Executive
Captain Nesan Kistan, Multicutural Co-ordinator, Salvation Army
Ian Kortlang, Advisory Board of the Kaldor Centre
Michelle de Kretser, FAHA, Miles Franklin Award Author
Carolyn Landon, Author
Anne Lane pbvm, Convenor, Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace (CCJP)
Benjamin Law, Freelance Writer
Hon. Prof. Carmen Lawrence, Former Premier of WA, Former Federal Minister for Health and Human Services, Former Federal President of the ALP
Carmen Lazar, Assyrian Resource Centre, Assyrian Church
Jeannie Lewis, Singer
David Leser, Walkley Award Author, Feature Writer, Interviewer, Theatrical Agent and Producer (retired), Writer
Hilary Linstead Wendy Lobwein, Co-ordinator Witness Support Unit, United Nations Khmer Rougr Trials, Cambodia
Helen Lockwood, Director, Lutheran Community Care, South Australia
Antony Loewenstein, Independent journalist, Guardian columnist, Author
Mrs Sue Longmore OAM, Community Arts, Refugee Advocate, Queenscliff RAR
Helen Lynch AM, Centenary Medal Company Director, Finance, Arts
Paul Mac, Musician, Producer, DJ, Human
Marion Macdonald, Journalist
Dee Madigan, Creative Director Madigan Communications, Author, Political Commentator
Emily Maguire, CEO Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Tracy Mann, AACTA Award Actor
Miriam Margolyes O.B.E., Hon.Litt.D, BAFTA Award Actor
Sieneke Martin, Commissioner, Act for Peace
Adrian Mauriks, Sculptor
Alanna Maycock, Refugee Coordinator, TB Surveillance & Infection Control, Microbiology
Therese McCarthy, Barrister
Fiona McCormack, CEO Domestic Violence Victoria
Margot McDonald, Film Producer
Ross McGregor, Theatre Director, Writer
Marshall McGuire, Harpist, Artistic Director
Jeannette McHugh, Member of the Australian Parliament 1983-1996
Ian McHutchison OAM, Director
Jarrod McKenna, National Director of Common Grace
Cameron McLeod, General Manager North Melbourne Football Club
Stuart McMillan, President Uniting Church of Australia
John Menadue AO, Former Sec. Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Sec. Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ambassador to Japan and CEO Qantas
Kate Miller-Heidke, Singer, Composer
Reverend Dr. Lucy Morris, CEP Baptstcare
Marty Morrison, Great Lakes Rural Australians for Refugees (GLRAR)
Graeme Murphy AO, National Living Treasure Choreographer
Peta Murray, Centenary Medal, Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Drama Playwright, Community Artist
Joanna Murray-Smith, Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, NSW Premier’s Literary Award Playright, Author, Screenwriter
Cindy Nancarrow, Writer and teacher
Prof. Louise Newman AM, Director Centre For Women’s Health
Michael Nolan, Director Wesley Centre Geelong
Emeritus Prof. Kim Oates AM, University of Sydney, Paediatrician
Dr. Heather O’Connor OAM, Education, Author
Christine Olsen, Screenwriter, Film Producer, MD, DSc, MHP, FRACP, FRCP, FAFPHM
Patricia O’Shane AM, National Living Treasure, LL.D (hc), LL.B., LL.M., Solicitor & Barrister (NSW)
Maureen O’Shaughnessy, Author, Poet
Emeritus Prof. John Painter AM, Musician, Former Director Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Former Director ANU School of Music
The Hon. George Palmer AM, QC Composer, Former Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW
Leonie Palmer-Fisher, Hospitality Concept Professional, Restaurateur, Writer
Antony Partos, AACTA Award, Australian Screen Music Award Screen Composer
Anne Paul, Manager Victorian Women’s Trust
Margaret Pomeranz AM, Film Critic, Television Producer, The Movie Show
Rev. Elenie Poulos, National Director UnitingJustice Australia, Uniting Church in Australia
Nicholas Poynder, Barrister
Prof. Noel Preston AM, Th D. Griffith University retired, Uniting Church minister retired
Angela Punch McGregor, AACTA Award Actor, Educator
Jill Reichstein OAM, Philanthropist, Chair Reichstein Foundation
Robert Richter QC, Barrister
Reverend Mark Riessen, Mission Co-ordinator, Churches of Christ, South Australia & Northern Territory
Silvio Rivier, Producer/Presenter SBS TV (retired)
Margret RoadKnight, Singer
Sr. Libby Rogerson ibvm, Coordinator Loreto Sisters Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
Emeritus Prof. John Rosenberg, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) La Trobe University
Richard Roxburgh, AACTA Award, Logie Award, Actor
Dr. Anna Rubbo, Life Fellow Australian Institute of Architects Architect, Academic
Ellery Ryan, ACS, AACTA Award Director of Photography
Dr. John-Paul Sanggaran, MBBS, M.H.Med, B.H.Sc; Former IHMS Medical Officer
Jan Sardi, Acadamy Award nominee, AACTA Award Screenwriter
Anne Schofield, Antiques Specialist
Tess Schofield, Costume Designer
Anna Schwartz, Anna Schwartz Gallery
Morry Schwartz AM, Chairman, Schwartz Media Pty Ltd
Jane Scott, Acadamy Award nominee, AACTA Award Film Producer
Stephen Sewell, AACTA Award, Vic. Premier’s Literary Award, NSW Premier’s Literary Award Writer, Playwright, Screenwriter, Screen Director
Dr. Sandra Short, Cosmetic Dentist
Cezary Skubiszewski, Australian Screen Music Award, AACTA Award Screen Composer
Dr Peter Slezak, Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of New South Wales
Emeritus Prof. Charles Sowerwine, FAHA University of Melbourne
Tracey Spicer, Newsreader, Journalist
Dr. Paul Stanhope, Sidney Myer Creative Fellow, Toru Takemitsu Prize, Australian Art Music Award Composer
Rt. Rev. John Stead, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Willochra
Elizabeth Stone, Associate General Secretary, National Council of Churches in Australia
David Stratton AO, Centenary Medal, Film Critic, The Movie Show
Simon Tedeschi, Musician
David Thomas OAM, Founder, The Thomas Foundation
Jack Thompson AM, Ph.D. Actor
Mrs. Jan Trengove OAM, Uniting Church, Community
Toby Truslove, Actor
Sophia Turkiewicz, Film Director
Reverend Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
Satu Vänskä, Violinist
Jackie VanVugt, Health Sector Communications Executive
Janet Vernon AM, Associate Choreographer
Carl Vine AO, Don Banks Music Award, Australian Art Music Award, Australian Screen Music Award Composer
Anna Volska, Actor
John Walker, Corporate Executive
Lyn Walker, Director Lyn Walker & Associates Consulting, Former Executive Manager VicHealth
Virginia Walker OAM, Chairperson Bridge for Asylum Seekers Foundation
Storry Walton, Filmmaker, Author, Former Director of the Australian Film Television and Radio School
Judy Watson, Visual Artist
Dr. Nigel Westlake, Paul Lowenstein Award, ARIA Award, Australian Screen Music Award Composer
Kim Williams AM, Media Executive
David Williamson AO, Playwright, Screenwriter
Felix Williamson, Actor, Theatre Producer
Kristin Williamson, Journalist, Novelist, Biographer, Screenwriter
Matt Williamson, General Manager AKA Australia, Former CEO Colmar Brunton
Rory Williamson, Actor
Tim Winton, Miles Franklin Award, NSW Premiere’s Literary Award, Qld Premier’s Literary Award Author
Caroline Wood, Director Margaret River Press (WA)
John Wood, Director Margaret River Press (WA)
Adam Worling, Adam Worling Public Relations
Reverend Meewon Yang, Baptist Union of Victoria
Caitlin Yeo, AACTA Award, Australian Screen Music Award Composer
Jeswynn Yogaratnam, Chair NT Council for Human Rights Education, NT IHL Committee
Arnold Zable, Author
Jonathan Zwartz, Composer, Musician
Dr. David Zyngier, ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Senior Lecturer in Curriculum & Pedagogy. Education Faculty Monash University
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