Christopher Pyne 'Fixed It' Again: Links Labor Pursuit Of Bishop To MH17 Disaster, Then 'Apologises'


Apparently, yesterday was not the day to talk about Speaker of the House Bronwyn Bishop’s attempts to fleece Australian taxpayers more than $5,000 for a helicopter ride to a Liberal Party fundraiser.

So says Federal Education Minister and Leader of the House, Christopher Pyne, who yesterday tweeted his disgust at Labor “playing politics” on the very day that marked the one-year anniversary of the MH17 disaster.

The tweet was quickly deleted.

On July 17 last year, Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was shot down over the Ukraine. The source of the attack remains unknown. The flight was en-route to Melbourne – all 15 crew and 283 passengers, including 27 Australians, died in the attack.

Earlier this week, it was revealed Speaker Bronwyn Bishop had slugged taxpayers $5227 for a private chartered helicopter flight from Melbourne to Geelong to attend a Liberal Party fundraiser.

Bishop could have made the 80-kilometre trip in her taxpayer-financed Comcar in roughly the same time. Labor has run hard on the issue, calling for a police investigation and Bishop’s resignation. It comes in the wake of the prosecution of former Liberal speaker turned independent Peter Slipper over less than $1,000 worth of disputed cab charges. Slipper was ultimately acquitted, but his career was ruined in the process.

Late yesterday, after Pyne was horse-whipped on his own Twitter feed, he decided to ‘fix it’ by pouring fuel on the fire and issuing an ‘apology’ which only seemed to enrage hundreds of his followers even further.

“While Labor should not have played politics today, I shouldn’t have pointed it out. Today should just be remembering the MH17 victims.”



The social media response was swift, with hundreds of replies still coming in on Pyne’s feed.













This one is probably our favourite.



Pyne has found himself in social media hot water in the past, most notably when he took to Twitter to complain that Freya Newman escaped too lightly after revealing the Prime Minister's daughter, Frances Abbott, had been awarded a secret $60,000 scholarship to a private design college.


Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
