New Matilda Previous Poll Results


Issue 69 – final issue for 2005

2005 will be remembered for:

Howard’s IR laws – 55%

Howard’s Anti-Terrorism laws – 23%

Princess Mary’s Wedding – 6%

the end of Latham – 4%

the beginning of the end of Costello – 12%

Issue 68

The Cronulla beach riots:

vindicate Howard’s introducing new sedition laws – 1%

reveal Australia’s underlying racism – 54%

are a purely local disturbance – 2%

are the apotheosis of Howard’s battler class – 10%

are a pathetic rumble between Anglo and Lebanese boofheads – 33%

Issue 67

Howard and Downer’s diplomacy in the Van Nguyen case is best described as:

hardball diplomacy – 1%

going through the motions – 54%

picking up the vibes – 12%

let’s not talk about Texas – 33%

Issue 66

Bec and Lleyton’s new baby girl should be named:

Madison – 6%

Kim – 7%

Damir – 10%

Lob – 19%

C’mon! – 58%

Issue 65

In the One.Tel case, a Judge has ruled Jamie Packer’s diary should be tendered as evidence.
You would rather read the diaries of:

Lachlan Murdoch – 2%

Amanda Vanstone – 34%

Mark Latham, Vol II: "The House Dad Years" – 19%

Phillip Ruddock – 17%

Princess Mary – 28%

Issue 64

Nicolas Sarkozy’s calling French rioters ‘racaille’ or ‘scum’ will:?

Destroy his political career? – 2%

Ensure he triumphs in the next French Presidential elections? – 13%

Split the Le Pen vote and ensure that the Socialists win a la Steven Bradbury? – 7%

Guarantee him a job at DIMIA? – 77%

Issue 63

The recent terror related arrests in Sydney and Melbourne:

Vindicate Beazley – 8%

Guarantee a full-scale terrorist attack – 18%

Guarantee a fifth Howard term – 36%

Show what a difference an ‘a’ makes – 38%

Issue 62

Kim Beazley’s performance on Monday was:

Sad & Pathetic – 44%

Muddled – 17%

A Disgrace – 37%

Statesmanlike – 1%

Macchiavellian in its cunning – 1%

Issue 61

You could support Howard’s Anti-Terror Laws if:

A Human Rights Act were already in place – 19%

Parliament had time to debate them – 3%

Never – 71%

Judicial oversight were strengthened – 6%

Issue 60

Princess Mary’s child will probably be named Frederik or Christian. It should be:

Davo – 13%

Apple Danish – 20%

Deign – 2%

Boonie – 26%

Hagar – 38%

Issue 59

John Howard’s IR reforms:

Will destroy the union movement – 28%

Are a bridge too far – 43%

Are Beazley’s only chance – 23%

Will increase productivity and create more jobs – 6%

Issue 58

The Bali bombing last week

Vindicates Howard’s stance on security – 3%

Means we should direct our international efforts to our region – 54%

Will destroy the Balinese economy – 38%

Will have no repercussions in Australia – 5%

Issue 57

Fourteen days in detention without charge is:

A reasonable response to the threat of terrorism – 4%

A victory for the terrorists – 22%

An unacceptable attack on our way of life – 72%

Ok, as long as it’s not me – 1%

Issue 56

The Latham Diaries will:

Destroy the Labor Party – 2%

Breakdown the ALP’s factions – 9%

Cruel Julia Gillard’s chances – 21%

Be forgotten by Xmas – 58%

Get Latham the top job at Telstra – 10%

Issue 55

What should the government do with Telstra?

Fully privatise – 4%

Split it and then privatise – 16%

Nationalise – 62%

Leave it the way it is – 16%

Issue 54

Peter Costello went to Aceh because:

He is genuinely concerned – 5%

He is desperate for a photo opportunity – 60%

To remind Indonesia about late payment penalties – 7%

Tim let him have the window seat – 28%

Issue 53

Australia’s core values are best represented by:

Simpson and his donkey – 29%

Hillsong’s mission statement – 4%

Malcolm Turnbull’s flat tax plan – 11%

Shane Warne and his mobile – 60%

Brendan Nelson and his nine commandments – 6%

Issue 52

If Jesus were a female tennis player, he would be?

Margaret Court – 9%

Evonne Goolagong – 43%

Anna Kournikova – 13%

Billie Jean King – 11%

Sir Isaac Bickerstaff – 24%

Issue 51

Melbourne University Liberal Club members are:

Our future leaders – 10%

Potential Australian Idols – 3%

Karaoke kings – 5%

Too stupid to run a bath – 82%

Issue 50

Men who wear coloured shirts with white collars and cuffs are:

Bastards – 3%

Bankers – 5%

Wankers – 27%

Fashion victims – 21%

All of the above – 44%

Launched in 2004, New Matilda is one of Australia's oldest online independent publications. It's focus is on investigative journalism and analysis, with occasional smart arsery thrown in for reasons of sanity. New Matilda is owned and edited by Walkley Award and Human Rights Award winning journalist Chris Graham.
