People’s Inquiry into Detention
‘An open Inquiry into the practices and procedures related to the observance of the human rights of those detained in immigration detention facilities’, it has been established by the Australian Council of Heads of Schools of Social Work (ACHSSW) and launched in Melbourne on 7 July. Link here
‘More than 300 000 children of informal traders and city squatter families in Zimbabwe have dropped out of school in the last four weeks alone after their homes were destroyed by the government.’ The Zimbabwean Link here
‘The Filipinos’ legendary resourcefulness is at its peak again amid the growing campaign to oust President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who is widely believed to have cheated in the 2004 election and has been under fire for economic mismanagement and political repression.’ Ringtones, Placards and Posters, QC Independent Media Center Link here
Sudan Link here
Links to electronically published analytic briefs and advocacy writings on Sudan by Eric Reeves, Professor of English Language and Literature at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. He has spent the past six years working full-time as a Sudan researcher and analyst.
Where has all the money gone? Ed Harriman follows the auditors into Iraq. London Review of Books Link here
‘… Mr. Bush’s speech on Tuesday contained a chilling message: America has been taken hostage by his martial dreams … the nation now has no choice except to keep fighting the war he wanted to fight.’ America Held Hostage by Paul Krugman, The New York Times Link here
Arlington Military Cemetery Undergoes Expansion. By Siobhan McDonough,
Washington Post Link here
‘Although there is not, and never has been, any evidence of a link between the September 11 attacks and Saddam Hussein’s regime, Bush desperately uses the September 11 tragedy to pump up support for his increasingly unpopular misadventure in Iraq.’ The Creeping Draft by Marjorie Cohn, Truthout Link here
‘US foreign policy is getting better – and that’s partly because Iraq has got worse.’ The sobering of America by Timothy Garton Ash, the Guardian Link here
‘As was the case in Vietnam, the Iraq war is being run by civilians innocent of military experience and disdainful of advice from the colonels and majors who know which end is up.’ Stay the Crooked Course, Ray McGovern, Truthout Link here
Bush, the obstacle to a deal on global warming by Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor, UK Independent Link here
‘Show me an environmentalist, and I will show you a hypocrite.’ Save us from Ourselves, George Monbiot, ZNet Link here
‘Will Iran Change Put Out India-Pak ‘Peace Pipe?’ J. Sri Raman, Truthout Link here
Canada and gay marriage
‘The House of Commons voted Tuesday night to extend marriage rights to gay and lesbian couples throughout Canada despite strong opposition from the Conservatives and a splintering of the governing Liberal Party caucus.’ Gay Marriage Is Extended Nationwide in Canada by Clifford Krauss, the New York Times Link here
Racial Healing in Mississippi by John F. Sugg, Truthout Link here
‘President Bush has said he wants to change the tone in Washington. Well, he can start right now by apologizing for the outrageous remarks to the Conservative Party of New York last month by Karl Rove …’ Divide and distract by Helen Thomas, Link here
MSNBC Analyst Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case by Greg Mitchell, Editor & Publisher Link here
Explaining CEO Pay – JC Myers examines the ability of orthodox marginalist analysis to explain one of the more striking features of the US economic landscape in recent years: the dramatic rise in CEO pay. Bad Subjects Link here
Information Clearing House ‘News you won’t find on CNN or Foxnews.’ Thanks to Melodie Hancock Link here
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