Misognistic pest, Julien Blanc, left.

The Insider

Julien Blanc’s Boys Are Back In Oz To Explain How You Can Choke Women Into Having Sex With You

By Chris Graham

January 14, 2016

They’re back. Not counting Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, Australia’s most hated misogynist is sending his ‘wingmen’ back to Australia to explain to men how then can convince women to have sex with them.

And all you need to do is choke the girls a little bit, and maybe call them a “deadbeat whore”.

We didn’t make that up.

In 2014, Julien Blanc made international headlines after his seminar – which provides such life-winning advice as ‘choke a woman a little and she’ll want to have sex with you’ – caught the attention of media… and outraged people everywhere.

The scandal became so big that Blanc was booted out of the country, never to return. And he likely won’t… but the people he works with are.

They’ll be in Sydney tonight, for the opening leg of a whirlwind tour around the country that also takes in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

If you’re wondering how Blanc can get kicked out, but his colleagues can still make it in, you need to understand that there is more than one predator associated with the company ‘Real Social Dynamics’, which runs the company.

Blanc was never the ‘big player’ – the face behind the ‘free seminars’ (which, strangely, requires you to enter your credit card details, and appears to be free only up to point where they convince you to give them thousands of dollars, and then give you the REAL information) is that of a man called Owen Cook, who goes by the name of Tyler Durden (yes, Tyler Durden, the character played by Brad Pitt in the hit movie Fight Club… we didn’t make that bit up either).

Tyler, it should be noted, doesn’t look all that much like Brad Pitt – he is, instead, a balding, red-headed, bearded slightly overweight man who appears to sweat for no apparent reason… as this photo reveals.

Tyler Durden aka Owen Cook… the man behind Real Social Dynamics.

Undeterred, Tyler has decided to embark on ‘World Tour Number 3’, to share his special brand of love with the universe. Here’s the slick dick explaining – for half an hour no less – what he’s got in store for us… replete with two awkward introductions.

And, in case you still haven’t had enough of him, here’s ‘Tyler’ addressing a crowd with Julien recently. The video is entitled, “Julien & Tyler Talk About Facing Knee-Weakening Adversity And How To Come Out Stronger Than Ever!” And no, we didn’t make that up either.

In it, they explain how “after the media scandal and a life-changing breakup” Julien And Tyler got through “this emotionally draining period” which “made them a stronger, more centered and better versions of themselves”.

The term ‘centred’, of course, being a quite subjective one, because Blanc’s website – Pimp By RSD Julien – still promises to “Make Girls BEG To Sleep With You After SHORT-CIRCUITING Their Emotional And Logical Mind Into A Million Reasons Why They Should…” and opens with a video suggesting you call your ‘Perfect 10’ a “deadbeat white trash whore” in order to convince her to undress.


This, of course, seems a far cry from the contrite Julien we saw in the midst of the 2014 media scandal, when he told CNN that he “apologized to anyone he’d offended in anyway”.

In any case, back to ‘Tyler’, who explains what the new world tour is all about:

“2011 was absolutely insane. I was out “in the field” around 7 nights a week, taught Bootcamps nearly every weekend, and watched full days of “infield footage” of myself during my Hot Seat events at least twice a month.

Basically it was “pickup, pickup, pickup…” Totally unbalanced, I’ve never been AROUND this much social interaction in my entire life.

(Reading this from home it’s probably hard to envision how much time we’re talking about here – I spend more time either picking up girls or teaching it than most people spend working or sleeping.)

My reason for doing this was that I wanted my final years focused on “the game” to reveal the insights that only a seasoned veteran could comprehend.

I wanted to gain those “mastery level insights” and then leave behind some truly amazing insights for you, before I shifted my focus into teaching self-help (as I’ve hinted at for a while now).”

And just in case NM readers think the new seminar is, at it suggests, milder and focused more on self-improvement… here’s some more of what you’ll learn.


“For awkward newbies: How you can balance “intent” and “freedom from outcome” to approach with hardcore intensity and make a crazy impression (especially on “perfect 10’s”) while maintaining higher value because you don’t care. (Not just the theory behind it which you may already know, but literally HOW EVEN AN IDIOT CAN EASILY APPLY IT TODAY).

For intermediate dudes trying to reach the next level: How to guarantee you’ll “hit state” at some point during the night with 100% consistency, even if you’re burnt out from working during the week. (Hint: You’re ALREADY as good as the advanced guys on your best night, the key to becoming “the man” is being this guy ALL THE TIME. I’ll reveal simple and absurdly effective tools you’ve never considered.)

For snobby advanced who think they “know it all”: How to use a new type of “humor” to shock the crap out of the hottest girls specifically, so that you appear on the level of rich movie producers and strip club owners. (This is by far the most “hardcore” insight I’ve had in the game – and it’s NOT “cocky” or even “playful”. Mastery of this is the single difference I’ve personally encountered between guys who are awesome and THE BEST.)

Honestly I’m barely scratching the surface here, and again these are off the top of my head.”

It remains unclear which ‘head’ ‘Tyler Durden’ is talking off the top of, needless to say, if you’re stupid enough to want to go, RSD will also be stopping by Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, and then returning again in March, April and November.

At this stage….

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