International Affairs

Photo Essay: Tahrir Square And Cairo

By New Matilda

November 21, 2011

Protests in Cairo intensified over the weekend. The images below, taken over several days, depict the heightened violence on the streets of the Egyptian capital.

Tahrir Square, 18 November 2011. Protesters concentrate in Tahrir square. Their anger is directed at the perceived reluctance of the military council to implement democratic reforms. Photo by Patrick Tombola.


Tahrir Square, 19 November 2011. Violent clashes between the police and protesters. In the morning protesters opposed the violent removal of their tents pitched in the middle of the square. Tear gas and rubber bullets were fired with reports of injuries caused by live ammunition. Photo by Patrick Tombola.


Tahrir Square, 19 November 2011. Photo by Patrick Tombola.


Tahrir Square, 19 November 2011. Photo by Patrick Tombola.

Tahrir Square, 19 November 2011. Photo by Patrick Tombola.


Tahrir Square, 20 November 2011. The army chases a group of protesters across Tahrir Square. The army has joined the police force in violently clearing the square. Several reports put the total figure at 10 deaths and over a thousand injured. Photo by Patrick Tombola.