Australian Politics

Call for comments on the draft Human Rights Bill

By New Matilda

November 03, 2005

The consultation process will run until the end of February. We hope that individuals and community organisations will contribute to the consultation process by lodging submissions and debating the draft Bill in our online forum. We also encourage community organisations to hold forums and submit the views of their members and supporters. Please contact us if you would like to organise a forum and we can supply expertise and help promote the event.

Download Consultation Guidelines (word )

Guidelines for Submissions

We prefer submissions to be made electronically where possible. There is no proscribed format for submissions but we ask that you note the following:

Review of Submissions & Amendment to the Act

Submissions will be reviewed and the draft Bill will be refined following the close of the Consultation Phase in February 2006. Accommodating amendments recommended by submissions may not be possible in all cases and an effort will be always be made to ensure that the final bill tabled in parliament is constitutionally valid and honours Australia’s obligations under international human rights treaties and conventions.

Presentation of Submissions

In addition to providing important advice on the detail of the finalised Act, written submissions will form an important part of the supporting documentation for the Bill. Submissions will be appended to the Bill in briefings to MPs and organisations that make submissions will be credited for their contributions.

Comment & Debating Online

New Matilda also has an online forum where individuals can make informal comments on the Bill and participate in debates about it. If you are a New Matilda subscriber you can use your normal username and password. If you are not a New Matilda subscriber, you will have to register to get a forum username and password. Registration for this is free.

Human Rights Bill 2006 (word) (pdf). Human Rights Bill Explanatory Information (word) (pdf). View consultation questions and submissions received- click here.

Please contact Nick Carney, Executive Officer of Human Rights Act Campaign, if you have any queries at or on (02) 9211 1635.