Our links and updates page each week contains a selection of essential reading from staff and subscribers.
If you have a suggested link, please send it in to New Matilda
Canada will send troops to Sudan, 13 April 2005 by Chris Wattie, The National Post
‘Before rains shortly make Chad’s dirt roads impracticable, the World Food Programme (WFP) needs a first chunk of US $87 million of food aid for Sudanese refugees who have fled across the border into Chad, as well as for the local population.’ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, link here
Sudan downplays Chad’s Darfur mediation halt, 12 April, 2005 Sudan.net
‘Women and girls who have fled ethnic cleansing in Darfur are being raped and subjected to sexual violence around the camps where they have sought refuge, Human Rights Watch said in a briefing paper released today.’ By: Human Rights Watch, 12 Apr 2005
Deaths in custody
Vanrell’s report states that lesions on the body were “consistent with torture procedures”, including a fractured pelvis, probably from kicking. Other injuries included fractures “usually produced by hand strangulation”. The report also states that “All lesions present were not inflicted by the victim himself”. These findings contradict the findings of the original inquest, which found that Scott committed suicide.’ Autopsy reveals truth about Scott’s death by Kathy Newnam, 13 April 2005, Green Left Weekly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. oil services giant Halliburton Co. may have overcharged by at least $212 million to get fuel to Iraqi civilians under a no-bid deal with the U.S. military, said Pentagon audits released on Monday. U.S. Audit Probes $212 Mln in Halliburton Iraq Work by Sue Pleming, 11 April, 2005, Reuters
US appears to have fought war for oil and lost it By Ian Rutledge 11 April 2005, Financial Times
Contrary to administration claims, Iran’s nuclear program is not the paramount reason to attack the country. Any assessment of Iran’s strategic importance to the United States should focus on its huge oil reserves. Blood, Oil and Iran by Michael Klare, Tomdispatch.com
US economy
U.S. Trade Deficit Widened to Record $61 Billion in February, April 12, Bloomberg
‘As the United Nations’ General Assembly is opening in New York, one important question needs to be asked: Is the United Nations’ direct cooperation with US forces in Afghanistan in accordance with the letter and the spirit of its own Charter?’ Afghanistan, Where the Line between UN and US Has Become Blurry by Dr. Assem Akram, Kabul Press
‘On April 13 2005, groups all over the world will join in opposing Caterpillar sales of home-crushing bulldozers to Israel. On April 13, Caterpillar shareholders will meet in Chicago to discuss a resolution on sales of bulldozers to Israel.’ Perth Indy Media
India and China
India, China Hoping to ‘Reshape the World Order’ Together – Once-Hostile Giants Sign Accords on Border Talks, Economic Ties, Trade and Technology. By John Lancaster, Washington Post Foreign Service , 12 April, 2005; OR Truthout
‘Right now, it’s easier in Beijing or Canton to express one’s anger at Japan’s “revisionism” than it is to express one’s aspirations for true democracy in China.’ Mounting Dangers by Jean-Pierre Rousselin, 11 April, 2005, Truthout
UK Election
ELECTION 2005: WE DO HAVE A CHOICE … but it’s not about which party to vote for. by Mick Hume 8 April, 2005 sp!ked-politics
US Election
Bush’s Poll Position Is Worst on Record – Second Terms are Tough, and No President Has Banked Less Political Capital for the Fights Ahead By Terry M. Neal, April 11, 2005, Washington Post OR Truthout
The Pope and Bush
Politics in red robes -Bush’s attendance at the Pope’s funeral merely masks White House exploitation of Catholic division. Politics in Red Robes by Sidney Blumenthal. 7 April 2005 The Guardian
John Bolton and the UN
‘Bolton, Bush’s most controversial nominee among many, explained his statement that the UN “does not exist” with his theory of “the fallacy of false concreteness” – the United Nations does not exist apart from the member states which comprise it’ Senators Challenge Bolton on Contempt for UN by Marjorie Cohn, 12 April, 2005 Truthout
EXTREME UNILATERALIST OR STRONG LEADER? Phyllis Bennis and Peter Brookes debate nominee John Bolton’s credentials for U.N. Ambassador by Amy Goodman, 11 April, 2005 Democracy Now!
The Armageddon Man – A comprehensive look at John Bolton’s career reveals a man who champions extremism in the service of expediency. Foreign Policy in Focus by Tom Barry, 12 April 2005. Alternet
Bolton accused of abusing analysts at State Dept. Critic calls UN nominee ‘kiss-up, kick-down’ guy. Bush Nominee Bolton Accused of being “Serial Abuser”, The Associated Press, 12 April 2005, Truthout
US health system
‘But serious health care reform isn’t on the table, and in the current political climate it probably can’t be. You see, the health care crisis is ideologically inconvenient.’ Ailing Health Care by Paul Krugman, 11 April, New York Times
Faking Civil Society
‘Perhaps the most beautiful achievement of political life in the late twentieth century was the international movement for democracy that brought down several dozen dictatorships of every possible description.’by Jonathan Schell, Tomdispatch.com
The New PC: Crybaby Conservatives
‘Conservatives like David Horowitz complain relentlessly that they do not get a fair shake in the university. What fuels the persistent charges that professors are misleading the young?’ by Russell Jacoby, 16 March 2005, The Nation
Australian Political Weblogs
Catallaxy – www.badanalysis.com/catallaxy/ Free market policy perspectives
Cut Price Commentariat – commentariat.redrag.net/ Academic history & labor politics with an activist bent
From the Sidelines – trevorcook.typepad.com/election/ Former ALP ministerial adviser turned spin doctor and new media evangelist
Imagining Australia –imaginingaustralia.blogs.com/imagining/Ongoing commentary from the authors of the book by the same name
John Quiggin – www.johnquiggin.com/ The quintessential social-democratic perspective
Larvatus Prodeo – larvatusprodeo.redrag.net/ Brisbane-based sociologist on culture and politics
Loewenstein – antonyloewenstein.blogspot.com/ Former SMH jouno who blogged on the paper’s site during the Federal election
Newcopia – newcopia.com/ Commentary on federal parliament research and bills
Palmer’s Ozpolitics Blog – www.ozpolitics.info/blog/ Comprehensive daily coverage especially of elections, polls and so on
Public Opinion – www.sauer-thompson.com/ Long-standing site from Adelaide academic, author and (Meg Lees) political adviser “ Gary Sauer-Thompson
Seeking Asylum Downunder – seekingasylumdownunder2.blogspot.com/ Former AusAID officer, Mark Thomson, targets the darkside of Australian refugee policies
The Poll Bludger – www.pollbludger.com/ Fabulous site for the amateur psephologists among us
The Road to Surfdom – www.roadtosurfdom.com/ More from the left side by Tim Dunlop
Tim Blair – timblair.net/ee/index.php/weblog/index/Right-wing attacker of cant and error who also writes for the Bulletin
Troppo Armadillo – troppoarmadillo.ubersportingpundit.com/A team of bloggers contribute on law, politics, society and much more