Australian Politics

The dream

By New Matilda

August 25, 2004

John Howard told one important truth last week. In an interview on commercial radio, he said: ‘I’m the Great Satan of Australian politics in the eyes of a section of the Australian public.’ Howard’s statement was mainly ignored by Australia’s dwindling stock of employed left/liberal commentators.

The opening was filled by a leading neo-con with a good snout for political truffle. ‘Hating John Howard has become an industry’, she announced. As evidence, she threw up new websites like the mega-hit, but quickly moved back to her comfort zone, casting asides at predictable suspects — refugees, the soy latte set and, new whipping boy on the block, Children Overboard whistleblower Mike Scrafton.

Leaving these asides aside, here I sensed another important truth in the making. Bring these two truths together and what do you get? Perfect timing for the launch of If you don’t like what’s happened to our nation and its sense of decency and possibility under Howard’s watch, and you want better alternatives, we’re here to move things in your direction.

We’ll deliver a weekly online political magazine that tells a different story about Australia. We’ll also be a meeting place for better policy development. We’ll help independent voices change Australia. What does all that really mean? Is this optimism bordering on delusion? Or just more vapid spin?

From today, the answers to those questions are largely up to you. opens a space for you to read, think, and start speaking up about your priorities and passions. It’s your democracy — use it or lose it.

At the risk of cutting the new industry off at its knees, the first issue of our magazine is not called Hating Satan. Let’s move past that small mean reference point. Instead, we’re starting with The Dream. Inspired by Australia’s own Olympian pastry cooks of peace, Roy and HG, and their winning reminder that ‘at a time when the world is starving for the bread of hope, the bakery is being manned yet again’. In this issue, a range of voices, new and old, come together to look at the state of Australian fair play. They tell some hard truths … but they also point to some better times ahead.